
How to identify animals, buildings, and more using Visual Look Up on iPhone

iPhone Visual Look Up 1

Visual Look Up is a feature in iOS that allows users to identify objects in photos using machine learning technology. By selecting an image in the Photos app, users can access the Visual Look Up tool, which provides information about objects, animals, plants, landmarks, and more. The tool uses computer vision to recognize objects and provide detailed descriptions, including common names, scientific names, and even Wikipedia links.

How to add emojis to photos on iPhone

Add emoji to photos iPhone

Emojis are a fun and expressive way to add a personal touch to photos, and with the iPhone's built-in markup feature adding emojis to pictures is a snap. Whether you want to add a smiling face to a group photo, heart to a romantic shot, or a laughing emoji to a funny moment, this can be achieved directly in the Photos app.

How to make the iPhone screen red at night

Astronomy iPhone screen darkroom

There are many ways to adjust the display for low light and night time situations on iPhone. Night Shift can automatically dial down blue light starting at sunset, which helps to reduce interference with the body's natural sleep and wake cycle. Other ways to lower the brightness of the iPhone screen include brightness in the Control Center, Dark Mode in apps, and Reduce White Point under Accessibility.

How to use Google Authenticator for Twitter 2FA

Twitter bird

Thanks to policy changes at Twitter, SMS two-factor authentication (2FA) is no longer available for free. Users must have a subscription to Twitter Blue in order to use SMS for 2FA when securing their accounts. Twitter claims that requiring membership will reduce abuse of the platform by "bad actors". While SMS verification is a convenient and popular way to increase account security, it's not the most secure. Using an authentication app provides improved protection for your account.


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