
How to get the best sound quality on Apple Music

Apple Music

While not all songs are available in Hi-Res Lossless quality, Apple continues to add more tracks to the Apple Music catalog in this format. Once Lossless Audio is enabled, playback quality may change based on the speed of your data connection and what output devices are used. For example, Bluetooth cannot deliver a Lossless Audio connection, so connecting wireless headphones will not play back at this quality level.

How to track step count on Apple Watch

Activity app

Apple Watch offers a wide variety of functions to Apple users, way beyond a simple pedometer or fitness band. That being said, sometimes the most useful activity data is also the most basic. There are times when tracking the distance walked, flights of steps climbed, or total steps helps achieve goals. Most step trackers are pre-set to encourage 10,000 steps per day.

How to get the best sound quality on Spotify


The Spotify app includes many settings to customize the experience and control how much data is used while listening. Spotify Premium members can access premium streaming audio quality on their iPhone and iPad. By default, Spotify automatically controls the audio quality based on a variety of factors that are not explained. If you are a subscriber and prefer to maximize audio quality most of the time, these controls can be manually set to "Very high" to improve music quality.

How to disable Safari Private Relay temporarily

Safari iPhone

Ever since iCloud+ was released by Apple, the Safari browser on iPhone offers increased privacy features. iCloud Private Relay automatically obscures your IP address, browsing activity, and location from the websites you visit. It works by sending web traffic to an Apple server, which removes the IP address and relays the the traffic to a second server for forwarding to its destination.

How to stop Follow Up banners in Mail on iPhone

Mail app icon

Apple continually adds new features to the iPhone operating system including helpful reminders and Siri suggestions. For example, a missed call can generate a reminder to call back known contacts later on. Similarly, the Mail app keeps track of sent messages that go unanswered. After several days, sent messages without a reply are moved back to the top of your inbox.


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