How to defeat the Frozen Soul in Kingdom Rush Vengeance

Kingdom Rush Vengeance Frozen Souls

The Frozen Soul in Kingdom Rush Vengeance is one of the most frustrating enemies in the Kingdom Rush franchise. A little ghost like creature that spawns after the death of Frozen Heart, can only be killed in 8 seconds before it is resurrected. They're also unblockable with guards or heros, and it seems like towers do no or very little damage to them. These little nuisances can be found in all the Frozen Nightmare campaigns (Breaking the Ice, Into the Mountains, The Frozen Throne), including the Heroic and Iron challenges.

How to have your Google account deleted after you die

How to delete your Google account after you die.

While it is common knowledge that one should have a will to distribute their assets in the advent of their death, it is likely that many people haven't given much thought to their digital assets. Aside from your data being valuable, you probably don't want an open social media account receiving messages after you have passed away. Facebook, for instance, lets you assign somebody to memorialize your page or lets you have it deleted upon receiving proof of your death. Likewise, your Google account holds a lot of information that should also have a management plan in the case of your death.

How to set up your iPhone to close all Safari tabs automatically

Safari Tabs

Anyone who uses iOS probably right now has a ton of open tabs in Safari. Being the default browser on your iPhone and iPad means every link you tap automatically opens up in Safari, typically leaving your device bogged down with open web pages. Maybe you left some tabs open to check at a later date and just forgot, or you just clicked a link by accident. No matter how they piled up, it can be annoying to have to continuously close multiple tabs on your iPhone or iPad.


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