App of the Week

iOS App of the Week: Fortnite Battle Royal


Fortnite is the first App of the Week that's available to download on the App Store but you can't play. It is also currently the #1 free game on the App Store charts. Fortnite is being rolled out slowly by invitation only to handle the influx of gamers on its servers. This may be frustrating to people waiting to play the game, but it is not as frustrating as the game not working because it can't handle all the new players coming from mobile.

iOS App of the Week: Banner Saga 1 & 2

Banner Saga

My PlayStation 4 has primarily been used as an expensive Netflix box since I bought it a few years ago. After being disappointed by my previous purchases, Friday the 13th and Fallout 4, just to name a few, I've been a bit gun shy with my money. It took someone giving me a couple of gift cards to give me the courage to try my luck with the PS4 Shop again, and I'm glad I finally did.

iOS App of the Week: Evoland 2

Evoland 2

Evoland 2 takes you on an RPG adventure through the history of video games. Players control a character named Kuro, who befriends a girl named Fina during a war against the Demons of Demonia. The duo must travel through time to determine the fate of the world.

The game takes place during different phases of video game history, beginning as a Game Boy-like RPG inspired by classic titles such as The Legend of Zelda. The story follows Kuro and Fina as they travel through time meeting different characters while trying to collect parts of an item to help them save the world. The game switches between time periods within the story that represent different graphical eras of video gaming, including Game Boy, 8-bit, 16-bit, and 3D.

iOS App of the Week: Anchor - podcasting made easy


The broadcasting app Anchor has rebranded itself as a new platform for those who do not have the technical know-how to produce their own podcasts. Anchor was originally a social media app like Twitter that offered users the ability to record and share short 5-minute audio clips. The app has since been relaunched for users interested in starting their own podcast and are looking for an easier way to produce shows. Anchor also eliminates the need for fancy equipment by offering iPhone and iPad owners the ability to capture full episodes directly from their device.


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