
How to convert Keynote presentations to PowerPoint or PDF on iPhone and Mac

How to convert Keynote files to PowerPoint on iPhone, iPad and Mac.

While Apple's iWork is a perfectly good productivity suite that includes Pages, Numbers and Keynote, Microsoft still controls the lion's share of the market with its own collection of office tools that are practically household names - Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

How to turn off turn-by-turn voice directions on Apple Maps, Google Maps and Waze on iPhone

How to turn off voice directions on Maps, Google Maps and Waze on iPhone

If you regularly use a navigation app like Waze or Maps while driving, then you probably are no stranger to maddening interruptions while you are trying to listen to the radio or carry on a conversation with another passenger. Adding insult to injury, these apps will often repeat the exact same directions just seconds later. This can quickly become unbearable, especially if there are a lot of turns on your route. If you feel the same and are fine with just following on-screen directions, here's how to turn off turn-by-turn voice directions on Waze, Maps and Google Maps on iPhone:

How to use formulas for Numbers on iPhone and iPad

How to use formulas and functions in Numbers spreadsheets on iPhone and iPad.

Besides simply keeping large amounts of numerical data well organized, the true utility of a spreadsheet lies in its ability to easily manipulate the data to derive sums, averages, maximums and so on. To do this, you need to use formulas in certain spreadsheet cells. For a simple example, you could have the prices of all the items you've sold on Ebay in column A and their shipping costs in column B.

How to make your own Shortcuts on iPhone - This one will show your photos from this day on every year

How to program your own shortcuts on iPhone and iPad.

Shortcuts is Apple's new version of Workflow that launched with iOS 12. It is a productivity tool that does what its name implies - each shortcut is basically a program or 'workflow' that runs through a set of steps to produce a desired result. For example, Home ETA is a navigation shortcut that uses Maps and Messages to send someone (pre-determined by you) your arrival time with a single tap.

How to password protect your Pages, Numbers and Keynote documents on iPhone and iPad

How to require a password for Pages, Numbers and Keynote documents on iPhone and iPad.

Unless you have been living in a cave since the early 90s you know that cyber security is a huge issue and that you should protect your data as well as you possibly can. If you are sending private information in documents and spreadsheets over the internet via email, Dropbox, iCloud or any other service, it becomes vulnerable, regardless of how secure you think the medium is. And who knows how the recipient will handle the info?


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