iMessage App Store

How to create a poll with iMessage

Create polls in Messages on iPhone

Getting everyone on the same page in a group message thread can be difficult. There are times when sending a quick poll to everyone right on your iPhone can help. Thanks to built-in apps in Messages, iOS device owners can easily create and distribute polls. Recipients send their vote directly via iMessage, without ever leaving the message thread.

5 iMessage games for iPhone to kill time with your friends

5 iMessage games to kill time with your friends.

When Apple introduced iMessage apps with iOS 10 last September, most of the fanfare revolved around sticker packs. Since then, the iMessage App Store has quietly stocked up on quite a few two player games that are perfect for killing downtime with your friends. Here are a few of the more notable ones, just head to the iMessage App Store to download them:

Leading iMessage sticker pack 'Phoneys' to be pulled

Phoneys sticker pack

After just one week in the iMessage App Store, the sticker pack titled Phoneys has shot up the charts to number one. Instead of sitting back and enjoying his success, developer Adam Howell is now faced with an ultimatum from Apple. Despite the fact that Phoneys was approved by the company's app review process, it will be pulled from iMessage unless Howell makes substantial changes to the design.

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