How can I save iPhone SHSH blobs locally with TinyUmbrella 5.0?
You've heard it again and again, back up your SHSH blobs before jailbreaking. Now the issue takes on even more importance as Apple not only continues to stop signing older firmware, but will take steps in iOS 5 to make the process even more secure. Downgrading your iPhone to an earlier version of firmware is simply not possible without saving your SHSH blobs.
Cydia will save your SHSH blobs on Saurik's servers, however until this happens you may see a message that your iPhone is in the TSS queue. In any event, it makes sense to have a local copy of your SHSH files backed up on your computer just in case something goes wrong.
To back up your SHSH blobs to your computer follow these instructions:
1. Download and install the latest version of The Firmware Umbrella (TinyUmbrella) to your computer.2. Connect your iPhone via the USB cable.
3. Your iPhone should appear in the left hand menu under CONNECTED DEVICES. Click on the name of your iPhone.
4. Click the button 'Save SHSH' in the TinyUmbrella window.
You now have a local copy of your SHSH blobs stored on your computer. To see a complete list of all SHSH files saved, click SHOW ALL SHSHS in the left hand menu. These are the firmwares you are able to downgrade your iPhone to in the future.
LinkinParkero replied on Permalink
My iPod is stuck in the DFU mode and when I open Tiny Umbrella, the name of the iPod doesn´t appear on the left menu. What could I do?