How to make AirPods announce calls on iPhone

AirPods 2

One of the best things about AirPods is keeping your iPhone stowed away in a pocket or bag. Between Siri and tap gestures, the AirPods can handle many common tasks. Incoming calls can interrupt music and podcasts, but even worse- the iPhone must come out to see who's calling. However, there's a way around this first-world problem.

How to check your iPhone or iPad warranty and AppleCare expiration in Settings

How to check your iPhone or iPad's warranty and AppleCare expiration in Settings

Apple's iPhones and iPads are covered by a one year limited warranty, starting on the purchase date. You have always been able to check how much time you have left by heading to and entering your iPhone's serial number. iOS 12.2 has made this process a whole lot easier by simply putting the warranty info (and AppleCare if you have it) right in your Settings. Here's how to find it on your iPhone or iPad:

How to limit your child's communication with Screen Time

Screen Time iOS 13

Being able to track and limit your own iPhone usage is a great feature, but Apple's Screen Time lacks the right tools for parents to properly manage their children's usage. Instead of extending Screen Time to third-party apps so parents can set limits for individual apps, Apple has added "Communication Limits" in iOS 13. Parents can now control who their children can communicate with on their iOS device.

How to have your Facebook page memorialized or deleted after you die

How to add a legacy contact and have your Facebook account deleted after you die.

Your data is unquestionably an asset in this day and age and just like your money and other physical assets, should be planned for in the event of your death. Aside from all of the personal information on your Facebook page, your friends will probably notice if you suddenly go silent, especially if you are an active user. That being the case, you probably want something to be done with your page once you have moved on, rather than leave an unmanned page and people wondering where you are. To avoid this, Facebook lets you have your page either memorialized by a "legacy contact" or deleted.


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