Nintendo adds new characters to Fire Emblem Heroes and Animal Crossing


Fire Emblem Heroes has been updated to version 2.1.0 with a new heroes from the Nintendo Wii title, Radiant Dawn. The new heroes will be available through future summoning events. They include Micaiah, Sothe and Zelgiu. You can see the new heroes and their abilities in the video below.

How to view Significant Locations on iPhone

Significant Locations map

The iPhone routinely offers advice on how long it will take to drive wherever iOS thinks you're going. Apple Maps makes an educated guess based on Location Services data. What you might not know is that iOS stores a list of Significant Locations on your device to make this happen. iOS makes it possible to see your Significant Locations on a list or even on a map.

How to create a Twitter thread

Twitter Thread

Twitter has been tweaking its service to make it easier for users to express themselves through tweets. In November, the social media site expanded its character limit from 140 to 280. Twitter then added a plus button in December for users to create tweet threads.

A thread allows users to string together several tweets so their users can easily follow along. Previously, Twitter users had to come up with their own creative ways to use threads, such as replying to themselves or numbering their tweets. It is now easier to create a Twitter thread when 280 characters isn't enough to get your point across on the social media site. Here's how:


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