Activate the iPhone Passbook App in iOS 6 Beta

Interested to see Apple's Passbook app in action on the beta version of iOS 6? With all of the buzz surrounding potential NFC payment technology possibly making its way into the next iPhone, the Passbook app just got more interesting. Already Apple has explained that the app will save retail loyalty cards, plane tickets and more all in one convenient place.

iOS 6 Passbook app

Activating Passbook on your device is easy if you already have the developer beta of iOS 6 installed. The app is already installed, however in order to work it requires individual entries to be created. Luckily there's a website that you can access using mobile Safari that will set up Passbook info, activating the app.

To fire up Passbook, you'll have to follow the instructions below. After the entry information is created you can preview the functionality of Passbook just like a normal application.

1. Navigate to in the Safari web browser on your iPhone.
2. Choose a template and add information to the web form.
3. Touch the Create button and the browser will display a .pkpass file.
4. Touch the .pkpass file and the information will be added to your Passbook wallet.

You can repeat the steps above to add new entries to the iOS 6 Passbook on your device at any time. Until Apple adds full Passbook functionality to the firmware, this workaround will allow developers to test the capabilities of this new app.


Thanks alot for sharing this. Passbook is very very cool and I can't wait until it's common place and I can get rid of all this rubbish in my wallet.

I also came across a really efficient and easy to use site for more sample apps (including lady Gaga app):

Here's a little video I posted on youtube too: Hope this makes it easy (and as exciting) for everyone as it has for me!
