
Add Live Weather Animations to iOS 8

Looking for live weather animations on the iOS lock screen and home screen? WeatherBoard provides custom animated wallpapers and can even add weather-related flair to existing wallpaper images. The animations can be configured to show real weather conditions based on location.

iOS 8.1 jailbreak weather home screen

All of the available condition wallpapers come in night and daytime varieties. The list is extensive, including everything from hurricanes and lightning to 10 different variations on snowfall. The lock screen and home screen can be configured independently.

Interrupt iOS Messages from Sending with SendDelay

Tapping the Send button accidentally can make for some embarrassing messages. Even worse is realizing as a message is being delivered that it's going to the wrong person. iOS has no way to stop the message or delay sending, until now. Enter the jailbreak tweak SendDelay.

iOS 8.1 jailbreak SendDelay stop send

Other tweaks such as DoubleCheck can help to reduce messaging errors, however SendDelay actually postpones message delivery. This creates a window of time during which the message can be stopped. As delivery is happening, the Send button actually turns into a Stop button, which can be used to stop sending.

How to Control Music with Banner Notifications

Everest is a jailbreak tweak that offers a new way to control the stock Music app or Spotify tracks. Once installed, any Activator gesture can be used to invoke a banner notification. Inside this banner is the title of the current track, and a small thumbnail of album artwork.

iOS 8.1 jailbreak Everest

Music can be controlled from directly within the banner. Pause or play is accomplished by tapping the button, while skipping tracks forward or backward involves a swipe right or left. Tapping the song name will open the app which is currently playing music.

Add iPhone 6 Plus Conversation Pics to Smaller iPhones

There are several iOS 8 features that are limited to the iPhone 6 Plus only. Since the display is larger, items such as home screen rotation do not appear on other devices running iOS 8. In another example, each conversation in the Messages app is labeled with photos of the contacts participating in the thread.

iOS 8.1 jailbreak contact photos

These pictures are sourced from the Contacts photos stored on the iPhone. Now with ConvoPics, any device running iOS 8 can activate these conversation pictures, no iPhone 6 Plus required. The feature makes it even more convenient to locate conversations in the Messages app, by scanning for the person's face.

Make Sure Apps Fit the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Display

The iPhone 6 marks the second time Apple has expanded the iPhone display size. When the iPhone 5 increased screen real estate, it took some time for developers to complete updates to existing apps. Optimized for the iPhone 5 was a common refrain in the App Store. In the meantime, many apps were simply letterboxed to allow them to function properly.

iOS 8.1 jailbreak ForceGoodFit

There are still many apps that have not been optimized for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus displays. These screens are significantly larger than the iPhone 5 family of devices, and in some cases the old apps just don't look right. Thanks to the tweak ForceGoodFit, jailbreakers can enhance the usability of older apps on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.


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