How do I use the Safari "find text" feature in iOS 4.2?

How do I use the Safari "find text" feature in iOS 4.2?

Many of you who eagerly updated to iOS 4.2 have inquired how to take advantage of the new feature that allows you to search for and find text within webpages in the iPhone's Mobile Safari browser.

Have no fear, the feature is there, even if you can't find it.

To search for text within a page in the new Safari in iOS 4.2.1, simply use the search bar in the upper righthand corner of your browser -- where you've been performing Google searches for years. At the bottom of the suggested searches that pops up will be "On This Page (x matches)", where x is obviously the number of matches. Simply click the find link below that to start the in-page text search.


here's a 30 second video on how to do it. (IOS 7)