
How to use Google Authenticator for Twitter 2FA

Twitter bird

Thanks to policy changes at Twitter, SMS two-factor authentication (2FA) is no longer available for free. Users must have a subscription to Twitter Blue in order to use SMS for 2FA when securing their accounts. Twitter claims that requiring membership will reduce abuse of the platform by "bad actors". While SMS verification is a convenient and popular way to increase account security, it's not the most secure. Using an authentication app provides improved protection for your account.

How to auto-delete Google app data on iPhone

Google app iOS search activity

The Google app on the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch now wipes its own history clean. Users of Google's iOS app can set up automatic expiration of search activity and location history. When configured in settings, this private data will be deleted after a set period of time. Once the option is set, no further action is required to delete history information from Google.


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