Does my iPhone support Group FaceTime?

Group FaceTime

Apple is set to launch Group FaceTime with the release of iOS 12.1. The latest firmware, expected to roll out next week, will be publicly available sometime after Apple's October 30th press event in NYC. According to the iOS 12.1 user guide, Group FaceTime promises to bring video conferencing for up to 32 participants. So which iOS devices are compatible with Group FaceTime?

Halloween App of the Week: Candies 'n Curses

Candies 'n Curses

Candies 'n Curses is a "spooky sugar-coated platformer" where you play as the adventurous Molli Pop. The game begins with a long opening that introduces Molly and explains her motivation, a dare from friends, for investigating her town's alleged haunted house. Upon entering, Molly gets locked in the house where she meets the ghostly butler who asks her to clean up some of the bad ghosts with her flashlight. Molly must survive 6 different regions of the Phantom King's mansion while taking out ghosts, skeletons and other spooky things.

How to clear your Apple Podcasts app and save storage space

Podcasts Storage

Apple's stock Podcasts app is a great way to follow and support your favorite podcasters, but it can also be a drain on your storage. Subscribing to a podcast through Apple's app automatically downloads new episodes to your device. While this is a great feature to keep you updated with all the latest episodes, it is also a strain on your device's storage capacity. You can navigate to Settings > General > iPhone Storage to see just how much space your Podcasts app occupies on your device.

How to download your personal data from Apple

Apple personal data download

Apple recently revamped its main privacy page. The portal contains various information about Apple's commitment to protecting privacy as well as the latest version of the company's Privacy Policy. Apple has also launched a new feature, making it possible for customers to download their own data from Apple's servers.

Sonos announces limited edition Play:5 Beastie Boys speaker

Play:5 Beastie Boys

Sonos today announced its collaboration with the Beastie Boys to release a "strictly limited" Play:5 Beastie Boys Edition speaker. The speaker and accessory company has teamed up with Adam “Ad-Rock” Horovitz, Michael “Mike D” Diamond, and San Francisco-based artist, Barry McGee to release the limited edition Sonos speaker with all proceeds going to charity. The Play:5 Beastie Boys Edition features a white speaker face with a design by artist Barry McGee.


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