How do I cancel my Grubhub+ account?


Deciding if you should purchase a Grubhub+ membership boils down to delivery fees. The premium service promises free delivery from participating restaurants, discounts and free food. This means you'll need to order more than $10 in delivery fees each month to make a membership worth buying. It seems like most major and local businesses participate in Grubhub+, and that there are not any other restrictions or fineprint. You can visit for more details.

If you've already given the service a try and would like to stop paying $9.99 then here's how to cancel your membership:

  • Open your Grubhub app.
  • Tap My Grubhub.
  • Tap the gear icon in the upper right hand corner.
  • Tap the Grubhub+ membership tab.
  • Tap Cancel Membership.
  • Tap Continue cancellation.
Grubhub Cancellation