How to add attachments to Calendar events on iPhone

How to attach documents to your Calendar events on iPhone and iPad.

Attaching documents to your calendar events is a great way to stay organized because it lets you keep relevant information at your fingertips. For example, if you have a vacation planned you can attach your itinerary, maps, hotel reservations and more, rather than digging through your email, files, messages, etc. If you have a conference call scheduled, you can attach your notes and any other reference materials you might need. It is such a useful feature that Apple added it to Reminders as well in iOS 13. Here's how to attach documents to your Calendar events on iPhone and iPad:

  1. Open your Calendar app and either find an event you want to attach a document to or create a new event. In this case we will use an already existing event.
  2. How to attach documents to your Calendar events on iPhone and iPad.
  3. Tap "Edit" in the top right.
  4. How to attach documents to your Calendar events on iPhone and iPad.
  5. Scroll down and tap "Add attachment..."
  6. How to attach documents to your Calendar events on iPhone and iPad.
  7. Choose Browse at the bottom if it isn't already selected, then select your source. I want something I saved from Safari, so I will pick iCloud Drive.
  8. How to attach documents to your Calendar events on iPhone and iPad.
  9. Now navigate to the file you want and just tap on it.
  10. How to attach documents to your Calendar events on iPhone and iPad.
  11. That's all there is to it. Now you can add more attachments or add any useful URLs or other notes. Tap "Done" in the top right when you are finished.
  12. How to attach documents to your Calendar events on iPhone and iPad.
  13. To access your attached documents simply tap on the calendar event and you will see them. Tap on them to open.
  14. How to attach documents to your Calendar events on iPhone and iPad.