
How to unblock a number on iPhone

Unblock phone number 5

Blocking a phone number on iPhone makes it easy to avoid unwanted calls. But how can one begin accepting calls from a number that has already been blocked? Maybe you've buried the hatchet with an old enemy, or accidentally blocked your mother-in-law's phone number. Unblocking a contact on iPhone will restore incoming calls from that number immediately.

How to restore the flip camera button in FaceTime

iOS 12.0.1 FaceTime

Frequent users of FaceTime may have noticed a big change on their iPhone or iPad. Apple moved the flip camera button, changing a one-touch action into a multi-step process that requires tapping the info button to get further options. Now with the release of iOS 12.1.1, this short-lasted FaceTime nightmare is in the rear view mirror.

How to set temporary Do Not Disturb on iPhone

Do Not Disturb options

Quickly enabling Do Not Disturb is a key feature of the iOS Control Center. Apple has added more flexibility over the years, with options to temporarily switch on Do Not Disturb and deactivate it automatically. Do Not Disturb can be set to disable itself after an ongoing Calendar event, when the user leaves a specific location, and more.

How to delete a message in the Facebook Messenger app

Delete Message Facebook

Facebook has added the ability to unsend messages in its Messenger app. Users now have up to 10 minutes to delete any text, group chats, photos, videos and links sent through the app. The "Remove" button allows users to fix mistakes or to delete messages sent by accident. Facebook will retain a copy of all deleted messages for an unspecified amount of time. Deleted messages will still be held accountable for policy violations to combat harassment. Deleted messages will also leave a "tombstone" to notify all users in a chat that a message has been deleted.


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