
How to disable YouTube sound and vibrations for silent notifications

Disable Sounds and Vibrations

Version 13.6+ of the YouTube app for iOS includes three new tools to help curb phone addiction. One of these tools allows you to disable sounds and vibrations so you will only receive silent notifications during a specified time period of each day. This not only helps users cut down on how much they look at their phone each day, but it can also be used to silence your device during important meetings or other events. Here's how to use the new disable sounds & vibrations feature in the YouTube app:

How to break your YouTube addiction by setting a reminder

Take a Break

We have all done it, promised ourselves that we would only watch one more video on YouTube only to find ourselves still watching pimple popping videos a few hours later. It's known as a YouTube Rabbit Hole, and it is an easy hole to fall into. Luckily YouTube is concerned about its users and has launched three tools to help curb phone addiction. One of these new tools allows users to break from their YouTube trance by setting a reminder to appear while watching videos. The new feature is available in version 13.7 of the YouTube app for the iPhone. Here's how to set a reminder to help yourself take a break from watching too many videos:

How to fix iPhone 7 microphone not working on iOS 11.3

iPhone 7 AirPods

Apple has notified its authorized service providers of a rare issue where the iPhone mic stops working during phone calls or FaceTime video. The problem happens to some iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus models running iOS 11.3 or later. Devices experiencing the problem may have a greyed-out speaker button while phone calls are in progress, with the owner unable to be heard by the other party on the line. The good news is that Apple has offered a fix to affected customers.

How to swap or remove an iPhone SIM card

paper clip

Most of the time iPhone owners forget there's a SIM card inside their devices. But when it becomes necessary to switch SIM cards, such as while traveling, Apple has made it simple to access. Older devices, namely the original iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS have SIM cards located on the top. Every other iPhone's SIM card is placed on the right hand side of the device.

How to manage Safari AutoFill data on iPhone

AutoFill Safari iPhone

Apple device owners now enjoy a full-featured AutoFill when typing into forms on Safari. What iOS users may not know is there's a way to control what information is used by AutoFill. Control of AutoFill data can change what is automatically populated in Safari forms on the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Follow these steps to access AutoFill settings on your device:


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