How to use the Spotify equalizer to customize audio

Spotify equalizer 1

Spotify recently announced it has surpassed 100 million paid subscribers. How many of these music listeners know there's a built-in audio equalizer right in the Spotify app? iPhone, iPad and iPod touch owners can choose from a selection of presets for different sound content, or customize audio frequencies manually.

Kingdom Rush Vengeance updated with new Winter Queen campaign

Kingdom Rush Vengeance Nightmare

Ironhide has rolled out a second update for Kingdom Rush Vengeance. This time Vez'nan must take on the Winter Queen, who has escaped from her ice prison and is ready to unleash some wintery revenge.

The story goes, "centuries ago, The Queen Soul of Winter, spread the arctic cold all over the world. Until the strongest sorcerers managed to seal her into the ice. So she could never, ever escape."

How to cancel your Apple Music subscription on iPhone

How to unsubscribe from Apple Music on iPhone and iPad.

If it is time for you to switch your music service from Apple Music to Spotify or something else because you don't like the interface or the library isn't cutting it for you or for any other reason, obviously you'll want to cancel your subscription first. You'll also want to cancel if you have signed up for a free trial period and decide you don't want it, otherwise you will be subscribed automatically and pay $9.99 for the first month after the free period ends.

You can unsubscribe through the app or through Settings, here's how to do it on iPhone and iPad:

Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion gets iPhone support

Rome: Total War - BI

Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion (or Rome: Total War - BI) has been updated to version 1.11 with support for the iPhone 5s and later. Originally rolled out for the iPad only, Barbarian Invasion is the first expansion in the Rome: Total War trilogy. The update also adds 8 more playable factions for a total of 18, a ton of improvements (see full changelog below) and new tools for the iPhone.


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