Indiegogo App Now Available for the iPhone and iPad
Submitted by Marshall Walker on
It seems like everybody and their brother are crowdfunding something these days and now even celebrities are getting in on the action. For example, Zach Braff's Kickstarter funded movie Wish I Was Here just hit theaters, and Rob Zombie is offering his fans the chance to support his new film 31 through Love it or hate, crowdfunding isn't going away anytime soon, and to make matters worse, Indiegogo users now have a way to beg for money 24-hours a day.

Indiegogo is a crowdfunding service that allows users to keep donations even if they don't reach their goal. The company today released its first app for iOS devices. The app allows users to moderate comments, upload updates including pictures, and promote their campaigns on social media directly from their iPhone or iPad. Users can also receive alerts every time they receive a contribution and send messages to their Indiegogo contacts and Facebook friends.