
Apple to Expand/Upgrade iPhone for Free

iphone2.jpgThough the iPhone has yet to hit store shelves, many people have already decided whether they intend to purchase one when it does. For those who have decided not to buy an iPhone, one of the most common reasons given is that subsequent versions of the iPhone will have features deemed lacking in the upcoming first release of the iPhone. In part, that may no longer be true.


Apple CFO confirms iPhone will ship in late June

Reuters reported today that Apple's Chief Financial Officer, Peter Oppenheimer, was quoted indicating that Apple's long awaited iPhone is on track to ship in late June.

Previous reports and rumors throughout in the industry had led to some doubt that the iPhone's launch would be delayed due to testing, battery, or operating system issues.

Recent statements from Apple and it's iPhone release partner, AT&T (formerly Cingular), have laid to rest many of these concerns.


Leaked AT&T Employee iPhone FAQ Document

Engadget got their hands on a copy of an employee Q&A document which was circulated internally at the company recently.

Though the document didn't contain any groundbreaking news, it did help to confirm a few lingering questions as well as put to rest some rebate rumors.

All in all, definitely worth checking out. You can read Engadget's full story which includes scans of the leaked document here.


Despite Microsoft's Claims, ATT to Target iPhone to Business Users

Last week, direct comments from Microsoft executives termed the iPhone as "irrelevant" and unfit for business. For most of us, this was almost like stating the obvious. The iPhone is a multimedia device targeted towards a youthful market of music-driven iPod users, loaded with entertainment oriented features. The idea that Blackberry or Treo users wouldn't be replacing their devices with an iPhone sort of seemed like common sense.


iPhone Stores Popping Up

With two months still in front of us until the Apple iPhone hits stores, more and more iPhone accessory and add-on stores are starting to pop up on the web.

Today, we at iPhoneFAQ launched our merchant partnered iPhone Store. Though the iPhone itself isn't here yet, plenty of goodies are. Many popular accessories such as car kits, spare chargers, screen protectors, bluetooth adapters, and stereo headsets are already available for the iPhone.



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