Apple Music does not offer a way to import your Spotify playlists, but there is an online tool called S.t.A.M.P. that you can use. To transfer your Spotify playlists first you must export them as .CSV files. To do this go to Exportify and sign in using your Spotify account. Now you can go to STAMP's website, download the app and follow the directions on the website to convert your Spotify playlists to Apple Music playlists. STAMP only supports Mac OS X 10.9 and later, but a Windows version is "coming soon".
Ramon Fritsch replied on Permalink
You can use this tool http://movetoapplemusic.ramonfritsch.com/
bobbycrop replied on Permalink
yes, u can transfer spotify playlist to apple music by using the following tool
here is the direct download link for that tool
its a multipurpose music converting tool..