Apple CFO confirms iPhone will ship in late June

Reuters reported today that Apple's Chief Financial Officer, Peter Oppenheimer, was quoted indicating that Apple's long awaited iPhone is on track to ship in late June.

Previous reports and rumors throughout in the industry had led to some doubt that the iPhone's launch would be delayed due to testing, battery, or operating system issues.

Recent statements from Apple and it's iPhone release partner, AT&T (formerly Cingular), have laid to rest many of these concerns.


Leaked AT&T Employee iPhone FAQ Document

Engadget got their hands on a copy of an employee Q&A document which was circulated internally at the company recently.

Though the document didn't contain any groundbreaking news, it did help to confirm a few lingering questions as well as put to rest some rebate rumors.

All in all, definitely worth checking out. You can read Engadget's full story which includes scans of the leaked document here.


Does the iPhone have GPS support?

UPDATE: The officially announed second-generation iPhone 3G has built-in GPS. Check out the specs on the new 3G iPhone here.


The first release of the iPhone does not include GPS. It is possible that Apple may release an add-on hardware device that would offer GPS support to iPhone owners.

We expect the second coming of the iPhone to support GPS, as well as many other advanced features.

Will a T-Mobile SIM card work in my iPhone? They are both GSM/EDGE.

Out of the box, the GSM version of the Apple iPhone (up to the iPhone 4) and the iPhone 4S will only work on Apple approved GSM providers (i.e. AT&T).

T-Mobile SIM cards can be used in an iPhone that has been jailbroken and unlocked via third party software. There are a variety of commercial and non-commercial software options available which unlock the iPhone.


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