Submitted by Marshall Walker on
Vine has finally added "protected posts" in its most recent update. Previously there was no way to make your videos or profile private, and anyone in the Vine community could view them. Now it is easy to block your boss, stalkers and anyone else from viewing your six second videos. Here's how to protect your Vine posts: Tap the Home button on the top left hand corner and navigate to -> Profile -> Settings -> Your Content. You can then tap the "Posts are protected" slider to turn on the privacy feature. Now only the people you approve to follow you can see your videos, unless you decide to share them on Facebook or Twitter. You can also activate the "Sensitive posts" slider to warn people about your racy videos.

Here's the rest of the new features you can find in version 1.3:
15 New Channels - Comedy, Cats, Dogs, Arts & Experimental, Family, Beauty & Fashion, Food, Health & Fitness, Nature, Music, News & Politics, Sports, Special FX, Urban and weir d.
New Camera Tools - You'll see the new camera tools at the bottom of your screen when you access the camera to shoot your videos. They include: a new grid, focus, and a ghost tool.
Revining - You can now share other people's videos with your followers by tapping the three dots under any post, and selecting "Share this post" from the pop up window.
Newest iPhone FAQs
On The Rise - See trending videos headed to the "Popular Now" section.