Submitted by Jon Reed on
The hacker group 1775 Sec, in collaboration with another group known as the European Cyber Army, on Tuesday announced that it had successfully hacked into Apple's database. 1775 Sec has also claimed responsibility for the recent Dropbox downtime. They published the results of today's operation on

The hacked information that was posted contains items such as user names, locations, email addresses, passwords and phone numbers. A lot of it seems to be old though, with most devices showing iOS 6 as their operating system. In 1775
Sec's twitter feed (which was suspended tonight), however, you will find comments such as, "Thought that the we just copy and pasted the Apple leak from an old hack? See for yourself! It's obviously new! " According to AppleInsider, some of the information is legitimate, but most of it is suspect. Many of the phone numbers, for instance, are no longer in service; another suggestion that the data is old. It is also possible that this breach is nothing more than a hoax and the data is either from somewhere else or was simply manufactured.
This story is still developing and Apple has yet to respond.