How to turn off Netflix Auto-Play previews

Netflix DVD envelope

Losing an afternoon to a good Netflix series can be easy, especially since the streaming service grabs your attention with video previews while browsing. Netflix automatically starts playing previews for many titles, before they are selected for more information. While some subscribers like this feature, there are others who find it distracting. Recently, Netflix added the option to switch off autoplay previews for each profile in an account.

Once auto-play previews are disabled on Netflix, browsing returns to a quiet affair. Of course, you can watch previews manually at any time when content is selected.

There are two ways to change the Playback settings for each profile. Auto-play previews can be disabled using "Manage Profiles" or from the Account menu from within each profile. Turning off autoplay in one profile does not affect the other profiles. For changes to take effect, you may have to log out of Netflix then log back in on each device or TV.

Follow these steps to disable automatic video previews on Netflix:

Turn off Netflix previews from the Profile Manager

  1. Open in a web browser
  2. Click the Sign In button
  3. Netflix playback preferences 1
  4. Enter your email or phone number and password to sign in
  5. Netflix playback preferences 2
  6. Select Manage Profiles to continue
  7. Netflix profiles 1
  8. Choose a profile to change Playback settings
  9. Netflix profiles 2
  10. Uncheck Autoplay previews while browsing on all devices
  11. Netflix profiles 3
  12. Click the Save button
  13. Netflix profiles 4
  14. When you are finished customizing settings for each profile, click Done
  15. Netflix profiles 5

Turn off Netflix previews from Account Settings

  1. Open in a web browser
  2. Click the Sign In button
  3. Netflix playback preferences 1
  4. Enter your email or phone number and password to sign in
  5. Netflix playback preferences 2
  6. Select a profile to continue
  7. Netflix playback preferences 3
  8. From the profile avatar menu, click Account
  9. Netflix playback preferences 4
  10. Scroll down to MY PROFILE and click Playback settings
  11. Netflix playback preferences 5
  12. Uncheck Autoplay previews while browsing on all devices
  13. Netflix playback preferences 6
  14. Click the Save button
  15. Netflix playback preferences 7
  16. Playback settings are saved and auto-play previews are now disabled on this profile
  17. Netflix playback preferences 8