iPhone Users Report 3.1.3 Update Problems

Well it didn't take long to hear from iPhone owners who tried the 3.1.3 firmware update to fix their existing battery problems. Some people are reporting the same problems, if not worse after updating to 3.1.3 from 3.1.2 or earlier iPhone OS versions.

Previously, many users updated to 3.1 software so they could take advantage of MMS functionality on AT&T and found that an unwelcome side effect was shortened battery life on the iPhone 3GS. (Learn how to turn on MMS without updating your 3.0 firmware here. Some have speculated this has something to do with the iPhone losing and acquiring the 3G signal repeatedly which drains the battery.

Others thought it had something to do with the processor running when it shouldn't be, also sucking the last drops of life out of the battery prematurely. Apple even had people run special software on their iPhones to determine what was causing the problem.

3.1.3 was the first update to directly address battery issues, stating that the fix "improves accuracy of reported battery level on iPhone 3GS." Unfortunately, it appears as though many users are still afflicted with the same battery problems, and others have it even worse.

Users on Apple forums are reporting that their battery meter makes wild jumps from 7% to 25% and back again, and that battery life is even shorter, with only 3 or 4 hours of time before needing to charge. iPod Touch users are also reporting in another thread that smart playlist syncing is not working properly with the 3.1.3 update.

Apple has yet to make a public announcement regarding the battery issues. We're sure they are working on a solution. In the meantime, we'll await the next update from Apple and report as soon as more information is available. To maximize your battery life see this list of battery tips.


yeah when i updated my phone crashed completely.. now it wont turn on or charge... will i have to buy another one????.. its only 3 or 4 months old... there is no way.

I have the similar problem, after upgrading to 3.1.3, my iPhone crashes everyday and it often takes me about 30 minutes to restart it. 3.1.3 is a bad version.

There are numerous reports that the wifi gets fried by the
3.1.3 and I can confirm that happened on my phone.
Apple does nothing for you if your phone is out of
warranty and I think the lesson for all of us is obvious.

indeed... google 3.1.3 wifi problems and u get a million hits

I love my iPhone 3G, have used it for 18 months with no problems, but I just updated to 3.13 today and my wi-fi access is gone.
No reset, no restore, nothing will help.
I can't believe Apple can't see this is a problem in need of an urgent fix.

Yes. It is obvious by the lack of response by Apple to the many, many user posts on Apple discussion boards and elsewhere. They killed my battery-powered WiFi functionality on my iPod Touch 1G and won't respond to any of my. requests for help.

Steve Jobs and Co. know that they have a bunch of suckers out there that will keep spending money on new Apple products regardless of the fact that APPLE itself is responsible for killing legacy product functionality. It should be illegal, but I guess it is not.

There, I've stated the obvious!

my probleme in my iphone is loking completly and no coverage signale
