Live Text

How to convert currency with Live Text on iPhone

Live Text iPhone

Live Text offers a variety of character recognition features directly in the iPhone camera. Since its launch with iOS 15, Apple has continued to add functionality to Live Text. The feature works by scanning for letters and words in the Camera app. It can also be used directly on images in Photos.

Now converting between currencies can be done with Live Text. Much like other Live Text tricks, converting currency can be done from a photo on your device, or directly in the live preview of the Camera app.

Follow these steps to get a real-time currency exchange rate on iPhone:

How to disable Live Text on iPhone photos

Live Text iPhone Photos

The iPhone automatically recognizes text within images thanks to a feature dubbed Live Text. Photos that are captured in the Camera app or viewed from the Safari web browser are analyzed in real-time. Tapping on text from the Photos app, Camera, or an image in Safari delivers a pop-up menu with actions such as Copy, Look Up, and more. While this feature can be helpful in some circumstances, other times it may get in the way. For example, when focusing a photo a single tap on any text in the field of view can derail the process.

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