How do I remove the ikee virus from my iPhone?

How do I remove the ikee virus from my iPhone?

The ikee worm has spread to jailbroken iPhones in Australia running SSH with the default root password. Follow the steps below to remove all ikee code and prevent Rick Astley from reappearing on your lock screen:

For known variants A, B or C

1. Run the Terminal app.
2. Enter each of the following commands followed by "return" to remove these files.

rm /bin/poc-bbot
rm /bin/sshpass
rm /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.ikey.bbot.plist
rm /var/lock/bbot.lock
rm /var/log/youcanbeclosertogod.jpg
rm /var/mobile/LockBackground.jpg

3. Reboot your iPhone.
4. Reinstall the SSH package from Cydia.
5. Follow these instructions to change your default root password and prevent reinfection!

For known variant D

1. Run the Terminal app.
2. Enter each of the following commands followed by "return" to remove these files.

rm /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.saurik.Cydia.Startup.plist
rm /usr/libexec/cydia/startup
rm /usr/libexec/cydia/startup-helper
rm /usr/libexec/cydia/

3. Enter each of the following commands followed by "return" to reinstall Cydia.

su root
get-app remove cydia
get-app install cydia

4. Reboot your iPhone.
5. Follow these instructions to change your default root password and prevent reinfection!

iphone worm ikee



I have tried the above steps but it appears on the mobileterminal "No such file or directory" when i typed and "return" the command

What is wrong?

In my haste to remove Rick Astleys ugly mug from my Iphone I quickly entered the command prompts into MT only to see the same messages. 3 or 4 attempts later I slowed down and payed more attention to what I was doing, then I realised there is a space between the rm /and the rest of the command prompt .Alas I am now celebrating my all new Rick Astley free wallpaper.

Have you loged in to root in terminal?

me too,pls help

help! i've remove every file listed. but it doesn;t seem to work.

What is the 'Terminal' app?

Instead of
rm /var/mobile/LockBackground.jpg
rm /var/mobile/Library/LockBackground.jpg

Even using that I still get the "no such file or directory response" and his face is still my wallpaper

yeah.... this works... i was running 3.1.2... thanks alot dude.. i can sleep soundly.. no more rick..

Hi, am using 3.1.2 for my iphone as well, am not an expert abt iphone so cant understand that instruction, can u plz tell me how to do it? thanks alot

the rm commands not working. it says: " write-protected file /var/mobile/Library/LockBackground.jpg
" I could nt remove any of them.......

I have done up a full comprehensive write up on the removal methods. Steps are verified as i have gone through the entire process on my iPhone.


... or simply stop illegally jailbreaking your phone... and *NEVER* have to worry about viruses again.

You can still use any of 115 *THOUSAND* apps.

115000 crap apps!!!
app store apps are useless. well, most of them are. jb frees the iphone making it a phone worth using. if it wasnt for jb i wouldnt have an iphone. i dare say most jb'ers feel the same. the iphone on its own is pretty shit really. it is very limited in what it can do. jb adds so much to it.

I cant delete any of the files.

can you have the files?can you send it to me,my Email is,tks~~~

Hooray! Thanks this fix worked for me! Make sure you are logged in as root and that you add the space after rm and thirdly rm /var/mobile/LockBackground.jpg needs to be rm /var/mobile/Library/LockBackground.jpg as pointed out in the comments above, thanks guys and Bye Bye Rick!

couldnt install mobile terminal also can any one give a hand to get rid of this damn ikee???????

on the iphone, open cydia, tap search (lower right), type 'terminal' in the search bar, tap mobile terminal, tap install (top right), reboot the phone, open mobile terminal, follow instructions above (mine was for variant a,b,c), take note of xinGa's comment,

Instead of
rm /var/mobile/LockBackground.jpg
rm /var/mobile/Library/LockBackground.jpg

This worked for me. Good luck!

my iphone is having problems it gets hang up soon,can u tell me how can i solve my problem????
mobile website design

btw, for the 4th variation, it's "get-apt", not "get-app"

get-apt is alsno not fount??

apt-get, guys. Just like in Debian.

alert("This is some sexy ass XSS by GK lol");