iOS 5.0.1

Dev Team Updates RedSn0w With Minor Bug Fix (Version 0.9.10b8b)

The Dev Team has released redSn0w version 0.9.10b8b which brings only a minor bug fix. According to the Dev Team blog, the "0.9.10b8b update to redsn0w makes the zip files more compatible with the native Windows explorer (which doesn’t like leading slashes in the filenames)." The previous version released a few weeks ago helped users take advantage of the popular SAM unlock method.

Jailbreak Update

In the meantime, the jailbreak community is closer to releasing an untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.1. Currently only A4 and A5 devices on iOS 5.0.1 and lower are jailbreakable. A4 devices can upgrade to iOS 5.1 but they will have to go tethered. Hopefully there is an untethered solution for all iOS devices right around the corner.

Add the Camera Shortcut to Your Lock Screen Without Upgrading to iOS 5.1 [iPhone Tweaks]

Jailbreakers who feel like they're missing out on the new iOS 5.1 camera icon can now add their own with a new jailbreak tweak. Camera Grabber for iOS 5 adds the camera shortcut to your iPhone's Lock Screen without having to upgrade to iOS 5.1. This eliminates the need to double tap the Home button to quickly access your camera.

iPhone Camera

If you do not want the new icon but would like an easier way to access your camera, you can always install the free tweak known as CamFast. This tweak allows you to use Activator actions like "Double Tap" to achieve the same result as using the camera shortcut.

Loophole Found to Downgrade iPhone 4S From iOS 5.1

Good news for owners of the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 looking to downgrade from iOS 5.1. iH8sn0w announced the discovery of a loophole that makes it possible to downgrade any A5 device to iOS 5.0.1. Not only this, but the developer has successfully restored an iPad 2 to iOS 5.0.1 using the procedure.

Downgrading an iPhone, from iOS 5 to 4.3.3 for example, requires saved SHSH blobs since Apple stops signing older firmware when an update is released. It's likely that the loophole iH8sn0w has found will also require saved SHSH blobs to work.

Sn0wbreeze iOS 5.0.1 Jailbreak Gets Major Update

Hard to believe the iOS jailbreak tool sn0wbreeze is already two years old. Developer iH8sn0w is celebrating with the release of sn0wbreeze 2.9, which adds a long list of improvements and new features for jailbreakers everywhere.

sn0wbreeze iOS jailbreak tool

Much like iPhone Dev-Team's PwnageTool for Mac users, sn0wbreeze gives iPhone jailbreak fans running Windows the ability to create custom IPSW files and more. Not only does sn0wbreeze 2.9 support a long list of older firmware, it adds the untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak for A4 devices previously released with redsn0w and Corona.

iPhone 4S Untethered Jailbreak Only a Few Days Away [Video]

Chronic Dev Team member Dustin Howett posted a video of a jailbroken iPhone 4S on YouTube a few days ago. The video shows the A5 device running Cydia after it has been powered off and on. Howett also proves that Siri still functions by asking her to check the weather.

iPhone hacker and Corona developer pod2g republished the video on his blog saying that a release is only a few days away. It only took pod2g nine days to release his A4 untethered jailbreak after he posted a similar video of a jailbroken iPhone 4 on YouTube.


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