More Apple iPhone Release Speculation: Available June 15th?

apple_iphone1.jpgNew information available today indicates that AT&T is gearing up for a month long launch cycle for the iPhone beginning on June 15th and ending on July 15th.

This comes via a new internal AT&T employee memo, released today by The Boy Genius Report - the folks who recently reported on the preparation of large elaborate store displays being undertaken at AT&T retail locations.


AT&T/Cingular Email Confirms June iPhone Release

In the sea of iPhone non-news, this actually has some teeth to it, albeit tiny little soft ones. There's little if any doubt now that we'll see the iPhone in stores this June. Though the past few weeks have been wrought with skepticism about Apple and AT&T failing to meet the June mark they set months ago, an email sent out by Cingular/AT&T today confirmed that the iPhone will be available in June.

The email contained the following image:




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