How can I set my iPhone clock to 24 hour / military time?

How can I set my iPhone clock to 24 hour / military time?

If you're looking to set your iPhone lock screen to 24 hour time instead of the typical AM / PM clock, here are instructions:

1. Navigate to Settings -> General -> Date & Time
2. Select 24-Hour Time -> ON

Now your lock screen clock, as well as any time functions on your iPhone including World Clocks, Alarms and the like will all display 24 hour time. To switch back to 12-hour time with AM and PM just tap 24-Hour Time -> OFF in the Settings.


This is incredibly useless. I have done this and it does nothing

This is incredibly useless. I have done this and it does nothing

Quite helpful, thank you!

Very helpful, thank you

very help full thank you so much

Perfect, thanks

Great info on military time for the iPhone. If you need to convert military time to regular time there's some handy info at

This didn't help I want actual military time like 0100 1230

I think the software has been changed as I could not get this change to work. Granted I am doing this from an iPad but I think it should be the same route.