Submitted by Bob Bhatnagar on
There are many ways to simulate the look of the iOS 7 lock screen and allow access to the Notification Center without unlocking. Ayra provides iOS 7-like cosmetic changes and several new features all in one tweak, with a built-in switch to disable the tweak and a respring button right in the settings. The wide variety of toggles provided by Ayra are also configurable from the settings, and are added to Notification Center after installation.

Jailbreakers familiar with IntelliScreenX will note that Ayra does not include as many features, but it also costs less. Besides an updated look for the lock screen slider and camera slider, Ayra makes it possible to swipe down from the status bar to immediately access Notification Center.
With the Notification Center open, Ayra displays the iOS 7 toggles at the top of the screen. Here things like Do Not Disturb can be toggled on and off with just a single tap. The order of the toggles is chosen in the settings, by rearranging the order of the list. Ayra also adds the ability to interact with notifications. Selecting a notification will display more information, along with Remove and Launch buttons. Tapping one of these buttons will either delete the notification or open the associated application for a closer look. Another nicely-designed feature: Ayra will display album art on the lock screen when music is playing.
Ayra is available on Cydia from the BigBoss repo for $1.99. Check here for instructions on how to jailbreak iOS 6.x with evasi0n. You can also find out how to purchase and install Cydia tweaks with this guide.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
please tell me how to uninstall IOS7 Screen lock
Anonymous replied on Permalink
please tell me how to uninstall IOS7 Screen lock