How do I change my Snapchat phone number?
The phone number associated with your Snapchat account can be changed. New Snapchat accounts can also be created without entering a phone number at all.
To change the phone number associated with an existing Snapchat account:
1. Open the Snapchat app, login and tap the Settings icon in the upper right corner.

3. Enter a different mobile number in the text field.
4. Tap the Verify button to send an SMS message and verify the new number.
5. Follow the instructions in the text message you receive from Snapchat to finish verifying the new phone number.

Note that iPhone users must enable SMS for this to work. Navigate to Settings -> Messages -> Send as SMS -> ON (green slider).
ronneu I replied on Permalink
U can't do a damn thing
Tyronicka replied on Permalink
Okay So when I can't get in my snapchat to change my number how can I do that
Quinteriah replied on Permalink
I have the same problem now can somebody help me ?
Contact me :2054175493
Nissi replied on Permalink
Same...sorta my phone is log to my acc but that phone is broke so how can I get back to my account on my new phone
Ulises Erives replied on Permalink
They stole my phone
Natasha Taylor replied on Permalink
Hi, how can I get back into my snap chat I just got a new phone on Boxing Day. My number has change and I know my username and password
Aries Carvin replied on Permalink
Anonymous replied on Permalink
What I did was pretended I lost my password and have them send me a verification code to my phone by calling me I wrote it down and click the arrow back entered my email and password and they asked me for the code cud I apparently log on on in new device and I entered that same code and now I'm back in I'm solo excited
meaad replied on Permalink
Well!.. it's seems thousands of us having the same problem and no one can help us from Snapchat support. I tried to do the same but they didn't ask me how do I want the verification code. :(
any other way guys?!!
Cassidy replied on Permalink
How did you do it
Marissa replied on Permalink
Baby jay replied on Permalink
Hey did you ever log into your snapchat account? I'm having problems logging into my account and I changed my phone number as well. And I was wondering if you can tell me what you I'd to log in... if you ever logged In.
Waad khalid replied on Permalink
How can i log in if i cant receive sms because i lost my phone
Tek replied on Permalink
How can I log in snapchat when my verification was send too my phone and it's disconnected....
rick replied on Permalink
what do u wanT?
Vanessa Zuazo replied on Permalink
I forgot my snapchat password and I don't have the same number what do I do
Star replied on Permalink
I changed my nr recently and now I wanted to log in but it's sending the verification code to my old nr. What should I do??
Nelly replied on Permalink
Hi there
I am unable to log on to my snapchat account, i have a new number but it wont let me verify my account trough via email
destiny witmore replied on Permalink
well my phone screen is not working and i cant see anything and i am trying to log into snapchat on a tablet but it keeps saying i need a verification code but i cant see the code that snapchat is sending to my phone so how do i get in??
Glenoc replied on Permalink
Yeah fat lot of good that is when you dont have your old number. How do i fix it? I cannot log in at all
Lloyd replied on Permalink
I'm having the same problem. How do I fix it. I can't see anyone's replies on other peoples post so I posted myselfe
Lloyd replied on Permalink
I'm having the same problem. How do I fix it. I can't see anyone's replies on other peoples post so I posted myselfe
Lloyd replied on Permalink
I'm having the same problem. How do I fix it. I can't see anyone's replies on other peoples post so I posted myselfe
Billy replied on Permalink
I changed my number but Snapchat sends me the code to my old phone number to login what can I do?
Paulina replied on Permalink
Hi Billy! Did anyone answer your question? The same thing is happening to me and I don't know what to do.
aysha replied on Permalink
i changed my phone number so i m nt able to login to snap using the old number .. hw do i fix it
ahmedqama replied on Permalink
I changed my number but Snapchat sends me the code to my old phone number to login what can i do?
Miracle replied on Permalink
I got a new phone n number I can't get in my Snapchat cause it has my old number in it How can I get in my snap chat n put my new number in
Julio huerta replied on Permalink
I changed my phone number and I can't access this Snapchat account anymore and I have some important conversations there please help me log back in
April Cazares replied on Permalink
i am having the same problem did you ever figure it out?? Please reply back i know this is like a year later but it just happened to me