Submitted by Anders Batten on
Apple added the ability to share your whereabouts with other iMessage users in the release of iOS 8. You can choose to share your current location once via text message or share your location in every text sent for an hour, one day or indefinitely. Here's how to share your location with another person, or how stop sharing your location in case you accidentally enabled the feature:

Share your current location one time:
- Open your Messages app.
- Select the the message thread you want to use (This also works for group messages).
- Tap the round i icon in the upper right hand corner.
- Tap Send My Current Location.
This will send your current location to the person or to all the people using iMessage in that thread. The "Details" section is also where you can leave a group message, delete another person you added from a group message or change the name of a group message. From here you can also choose to share your location multiple times throughout the day.

How to share your location for a specific period of time:
From the Details page of any iMessage thread just tap the Share My Location option and select Share for One Hour, Share Until End of Day or Share Indefinitely from the pop up box.You will have to enable Location Services for both of these features to work. Here's how to disable Location Services:
- Open your Settings app.
- Tap Privacy.
- Tap the Location Services panel.
- Tap the Location Services slider so it is White / OFF

Newest iPhone FAQs
How to stop sharing your location in iMessage:
- Tap the round i icon in the upper right hand corner of the message thread that is sharing your location.
- Tap Stop Sharing My Location
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Why is nobody talking about the fact that if you are using a device running IOS 7, then you are automatically sharing your location with all of your iMessages to those w/ devices running IOS 8? My friend w/ an IOS 8 device pointed this out and to my knowledge if you still have IOS 7 and don't want to upgrade there is no way to disable this unless you disable all location services which means no more google maps. Such an invasion of privacy.
Frankie replied on Permalink
When you stop sharing your location with someone do they get a message letting them know you stopped?
Suzie replied on Permalink
Yes it sends a message saying that person stopped sharing their location with you and at what time they chose to do so.
nicole replied on Permalink
Yes, they do. In the text message it will show the date and time the person stopped sharing.
christy742674 replied on Permalink
Does your phone stop sharing your location if you simply turn your device off?
Bushka replied on Permalink
My iphone has sent the message: you started sharing location with and you stopped sharing location with... messages to my wife when i have changed no settings. Not only is this annoying but it has evoked arguments eg. "Why did you stop sharing"... and " you did cause here is the message." I am getting tired of my apple products 'doing stuff'. I checked the message thread this morning to figure this out ...and this action resulted in another sent a message to her again that i had stopped sharing location with her. I am running 9.3.2
I miss my flip phone.
Jackie replied on Permalink
Is there a way to erase from the convo where it notifies the person?
Honest Engine replied on Permalink
You have asked an excellent question. In my case, which was similar to yours but worse, it contributed to my divorce. I am curious, how do I go about suing Apple for "Alienation of Affection"?
R.G. replied on Permalink
If I turn off iMessage will the other person still see my location?
I am planning on surprising my boyfriend this weekend. We both have location sharing. help?!
Sean replied on Permalink
R.G. did you ever figure this out? Is there any way to surprise while sharing location?
Sophie kelly replied on Permalink
Yes I'm wondering the exact same thing!!!