New app transforms your iPhone into a motion sensing camera

Motion Sensor

People recording their pet's activity while away from home has always been a favorite pastime of the internet, but how many hours of video does one person have to record to catch 20-seconds of their dog misbehaving? This is the problem app developer Appgr8 set out to fix when they created Motion Sensor for iOS devices.

Inspired by all the sneaky animal videos posted to 9GAG, Appgr8 has released an easy to use motion sensing app for the iPhone and iPad. The app is easy to use with almost zero setup. To get started all you need is a flat, still surface (an iPhone or iPad stand will probably be helpful) and an area you want to record. After your device is set up and pointed in the right direction, just open the app and tap the record button to activate the motion sensor. The app will then automatically start recording whenever it detects movement. It really is that simple, but there's more.

Motion Sensor includes a variety of features including email, sound, light and vibration alerts, the ability to automatically send any captured videos to Dropbox, sensitivity settings and more. All these features are easily enabled with easy to use toggle buttons found within the app's settings. The app also includes an energy usage option and device location tracking.

The Energy Usage feature allows you to conserve battery power for long recording sessions. The High level will deliver the best video quality but drain your battery faster. The Lower level option will conserve battery power but deliver lower quality video. You can also choose to have the app hide itself after launch so people won't be able to see that you're recording.

The device tracker will alert you via email every 5-minutes if your device is moved 500 meters (1640 feet).

Motion Sensor is available on the App Store for $1.99. It is a simple app but it does work as advertised. It supports all devices running iOS 7.1 or later. Here is a demo of the app in action: