Limited Edtion Borderlands Collection Comes with iOS Controlled Claptrap (Sold Out)
Submitted by Anders Batten on
2K and Gearbox Software have just announced a extremely limited collector's edition for its Borderlands: The Handsome Collection coming to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The $400 "Claptrap-in-a-Box Edition" not only includes the definitive versions of both Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, but it also ships with a remote-controlled Claptrap.

The Claptrap figure features PCB gyro technology so it can balance on one wheel and a real working camera is his eye. Users can see Claptrap's POV from the camera and control it from any iOS or Android mobile device using the official Claptrap app. The Handsome Collection also ships with 12 exclusive lithographs and a collectible steel case.