Submitted by Frank Macey on
It may seem like a simple thing, but one great feature that Cydia has over the App Store is a queue. Several packages can be browsed and selected, then the whole list is installed at once. While this speeds up the process of installing apps, the App Store exits every time you download an individual app.

All of this is set to change in iOS 6. The revamped App Store will stay open and download apps in the background, so you can continue browsing. This avoids the whole process of having to reopen the App Store every time you install or update an app. Luckily if you have jailbroken your iPhone, you can add this functionality to the App Store right now.
Just open Cydia and navigate to Sections -> Utilities to find the package StayOpened. You can also use the Search function to find this utility. Once the package is installed simply respring and the next time you run the App Store it won't close after you choose an app to download.
There are some options under Settings -> StayOpened. You can enable or disable the utility without uninstalling the package. There are also options to enable custom button text, including the Free button and the Purchase Confirmation button. Simply enable these and enter a custom title for the button to modify the App Store.
StayOpened comes to us from NakedProductions and is distributed via the ModMyi repo free of charge.