Submitted by Fred Straker on
With over 10 billion photos uploaded in 2014, Flickr has plenty of data to crunch on popular cameras. Each year the company takes a look at the ongoing trends in camera use amongst its 100 million users. Smartphone ownership continued to grow last year, with Apple and Samsung making significant gains on Flickr.

According to the Flickr blog, Apple has now overtaken Nikon in the race for second place ranking. Canon retains the top spot with 13.4 percent ownership, with Apple and Nikon following at 9.6 and 9.3 percent respectively. For its part, Samsung surpassed Sony in 2014, taking fourth place with 5.6 percent. This leaves Sony in fifth place at Flickr with 4.2 percent ownership.

When it comes to specifics the iPhone 5 was the most popular smartphone camera on Flickr, owned by 10.6 percent of users. In fact, the top four mobile cameras are all manufactured by Apple, comprising a total of 23.9 percent ownership. The Samsung Galaxy S3 and Galaxy S5 took fifth and sixth place with 1.2 and 1.1 percent respectively. The iPhone 6 followed with 1.0 percent, ranking seventh in the list of top smartphone cameras.
As the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus become more popular, it will be interesting to see future statistics from Flickr. The rise of mobile cameras against established digital camera brands such as Nikon and Canon has happened quickly.Check out Flickr on the App Store and find out how to backup iPhone photos using Flickr.