iOS App of the Week: The Girl Who Sold the World

The Girl Who Sold the World

The Girl Who Sold the World is an episodic audio adventure game inspired by the classic Choose Your Own Adventure books of the 1980s. In the game you must help the protagonist named Frances by making decisions that shape the outcome of the story. The game features no images or videos -- leaving you with only text and audio to try and solve the mystery of Frances' world.

GWSW is one of the more unique titles currently available on the Apple App Store. It evokes memories of simpler times when young adult novels like The Cave of Time ruled book shelves, or text-based gaming was a popular medium. Adults who grew up reading the "Adventures of You" series will enjoy the immersive sci-fi and fantasy journey that unfolds while listening to GWSW on their mobile device.

The game includes a dark and mysterious atmosphere painted by high quality sound and aided by your own imagination. GWSW is told in 7 chapters with 20 playable subchapters and 3 flashbacks. It also features puzzle solving with the option to skip any puzzle you can't solve or don't feel like solving.

Future updates will include support for more languages including French, German, Spanish, Italian and more, an ear mode for the visually impaired or those who want to play with their eyes closed, and an individual chapter replay option.

The Girl Who Sold the World is available for $1.99 on the App Store. It supports all devices running iOS 7.0 or later, and it is recommended that you play using headphones.