How do I turn off auto-playing videos on Facebook?
Version 6.8 of Facebook adds auto-playing videos to your news feed. The good news is videos don’t automatically play sound, but the bad news is there is no way to turn off the new feature when you're connected to a Wi-Fi network. Luckily, there is an option to disable them while you are on a cellular network so you do not burn through your data plan. Here's how:

Navigate to your Settings app > Facebook > Settings and tap the slider that reads "Auto-play on WiFi only". This will disable the auto-playing videos in your news feed when you're connected to a cellular network.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Why can I see non of these options in my FB settings section? I only have an HD video option.. :(
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I have the same problem. There is no selection for auto play
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I have the same problem. There is no selection for auto play
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I had to go to facebook on my iphone and then to their settings and found the autoplay that you can toggle.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
If you have iphone 5 like I do you have to go to your settings in the actual facebook app. It's under the "more" tab at the bottom beside notifications. Then go to "video and photos" and tap on auto-play to change it.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Thank you!!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Thank you! I've spent ages looking for this today since it auto changed itself
Awall replied on Permalink
Thank you!!!!!
vicar replied on Permalink
old iphone 5 user here:
This was great - most cites just tell you about the option WE DO NOT HAVE under settings-fb-autoplay...
As noted here, us lowly iphone5 folks have to go into the ap, then into settings, then -dig-dig-dig- through the screens to find privacy options, and finally find the autoplay. There are 3 options there, one does block ALL autoplay video.
It's NOT easily found and it is different for 6 on up I hear. But it can be done. Now my idiot friend who constantly live-streams "driving" will not be sucking up my bandwidth.