Submitted by Marshall Walker on
iOS and Mac users are reporting that they're having trouble logging in to Apple services such as iTunes Connect and the App Store. This is causing problems for users who were in the process of downloading apps to their iPhone or iPad. iOS users with a "stuck" app that was interrupted while downloading can follow these instructions to re-install the app once the outage is over.

At the time of this post Apple's system status page shows that the App Store, iTunes Store and Mac Store are all down. The page reads, "customers may be unable to make purchases from the App Store, iTunes Store, iBooks Store, or Mac App Store." The cause of the outage is unknown at this time.
Twitter users are using the hash tags #appstoredown and #itunesdown to report the problem.
UPDATE: Apple has issued a statement to CNBC:
"We apologize to our customers experiencing problems with iTunes and other services this morning. The cause was an internal DNS error at Apple. We're working to make all of the services available to customers as soon as possible, and we thank everyone for their patience."
Anna replied on Permalink
I am still having some difficulty in loading a game called Jarassic World and I was wondering if you could please help me. The app says it is waiting and I left it over night to load but in the morning it still said waiting. I then tried to to stop and start the app as well as restart the phone with and without the app trying to load.... So far no luck. This is the second or third app I haven't been able to load.
Ivana replied on Permalink
i have this problem. Yesterday tried to install snapchat to open account for company, today still waiting. I turned of iphone and tried after that and again the same... waiting...
Ruba replied on Permalink
I'm still have a difficulty in downloading or deleting the Facebook icon on my iOS
It's been more tan a week
I tried to switch off the iOS for an hour but still not working
Carol Allen replied on Permalink
My messenger won't download after I updated it. It's been that way for 2 days, what do I do?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I too am having trouble getting existing apps to update & new apps to down load, it says installing, waiting & then it says unable to down load at this time. Has been going on for almost a week now. Any help would be appreciated .
Presley's replied on Permalink
Ugh I'm having the same problem I can't delete these apps that won't download please help
Jay replied on Permalink
Having exactly the same problem - a half deleted app will not delete or reinstall despite repeated rebooting