How do I get Morty number 82 in Pocket Mortys?
How do I unlock The One True Morty?

After completing one of your side quests you will receive an Egg Morty. The egg will hatch into The One True Morty when it reaches level 20. The egg begins at level 5 and has no attacks, so it is hard to train. The quickest way to hatch the egg is to use as many Level Up Mega Seeds as possible (make sure you save 1 seed to level him up to level 20 so he'll hatch). You receive Mega Seeds when you defeat some Council Members and for completing some side quests. You can also craft them later in the game by using the crafting recipe listed here.
Rick replied on Permalink
I discovered an easier and faster way to level egg Morty. Bring him out in battle and use a mr. meeseeks box to instantly defeat your opponent. That way egg Morty gets all the xp instead of only a fraction he'd get from sharing the win.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
What happens if u released your Morty for accident the egg Morty that turns to the one true Morty can I get him in a dimension or can I get him in a blips and chips matchin
Summer replied on Permalink
From what I have read, it appears that the egg is the only way to "capture" the 'One True Morty'. Unfortunately, once a Morty is set free you cannot get it back.
The One True James replied on Permalink
I didn't even think about doing that, thank you for posting, I've been saving those, now ik how to level up lower level mortys, like The Original Morty.
Alberto replied on Permalink
My egg Morty has reached level 21. I just keep leveling it up in Morty Day Care. But, it still won't be One True Morty. What should I do?
Mortyman1990 replied on Permalink
You need to level it up one more level outside of bootcamp. Easiest way is to use a level up mega seed or use a mr.meseeks box during a battle with the egg
Christian replied on Permalink
I leveled my Egg Morty to 19 in the Bootcamp then took it into combat and used a Mr.meseeks box to reach level 20 but it did not transform, then I leveled up to 21 just from sharing experience in combat and it STILL did not transform.....then I used a level up mega seed to 22 and it DID transform into The One True Morty.
CrystallicSky replied on Permalink
An easier way to do it without wasting a Meeseeks box is to put it up against an enemy Sun or Moon Morty. Those use Implode as their first move which will daze your Egg Morty in one shot, but the Sun/Moon Morty ends up dazed too and all the XP goes straight to Egg Morty.
Sleeepy Guy replied on Permalink
So I started last night and in multiplayer I found a level 15 egg morty. Played all night and today I got my morty to level 20. Gave him a seed to 21 but still no evolution. What should I do?
Frank replied on Permalink
Doesn't work on multiplayer. You need like 11 eggs there.
Sleeepy Guy replied on Permalink
So I started last night and in multiplayer I found a level 15 egg morty. Played all night and today I got my morty to level 20. Gave him a seed to 21 but still no evolution. What should I do?
The One True James replied on Permalink
Instead of using all of your Level Up Mega Seeds every time you get one, send your Egg Morty to boot camp, while you collect more Level Up Mega Seeds, it's the most efficient and fastest way to get The One True Morty