Submitted by Bob Bhatnagar on
Those looking to jailbreak and unlock the iPhone 4 won't have to wait much longer. iPhone Dev-Team member Comex has stated he's not waiting for Apple to release iOS 4.1 to launch the latest version of the Spirit jailbreak. The previous version was a one-click solution to jailbreak the iPad running iPhone OS 3.2.

The new jailbreak software will work on all devices running iOS 4, including the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS. Comex is working to make sure the free jailbreak utility is up to Dev-Team standards before release, and suggests that users back up their SHSH blobs before jailbreaking.
For those wishing to unlock the iPhone 4 for use on wireless carriers other than AT&T, Dev-Team member PlanetBeing has indicated that a new version of ultrasn0w will be available on Cydia after the jailbreak is released. PlanetBeing has already demonstrated an unlocked US iPhone 4. Two different untethered jailbreak methods were being tested out and the Dev-Team has decided which one will be finalized for public release.
With SHSH blobs backed up iPhone users will be able to downgrade their firmware to earlier versions for jailbreaking in case of an accidental upgrade. The ultrasn0w unlock package can be downloaded and installed using the Cydia manager on a jailbroken device. With ultrasn0w, different SIM cards can be used in the iPhone for GSM wireless networks around the globe.
Although jailbreaking makes it possible to run additional software unauthorized by Apple, the process could violate your warranty or terms of service with AT&T. The Dev-Team is expected to release jailbreak and unlock solutions for iOS 4.0.1 within days, not weeks.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Heard that before! I think everyone got stumpped and can't jailbreak iPhone 4.
Clayton replied on Permalink
i love how fagets just wana down talk people im pretty sure these people can jailbreak the i phone ur just pissed off because ur phone isnt jailbroken and ur a lil homo and u dont even use a real name cause ur a pussy
Stefano replied on Permalink
Where the phuck did u go to school bro? U need an engrish to English translator ;)
Shut up sun the... replied on Permalink
Fuk off sun the bitch Look at his meaning first nothing jailbreak for now or month later some filer fool
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Thanks for all the support, however, I'll believe it when I see it!
Masterbyte replied on Permalink
These is no jailbreak. I have not seen any real proof of any jailbreak coming soon. In all the years that I have been jailbreaking the iphone I have never seen so much scandal. If there really is a jailbreak then release that damn thing and stop the BS. We are all tired of this crap. Its another Geohot situation gone global again
marley replied on Permalink
SMH these guys have given jailbreak and unlock solutions to all ur prior iphones. Instead of bitchin, you should be patient and pay homage to the experts. As soon as they release the iphone4 jailbreak you'll prolly be dumb and upgrade to the new firmware and them bitch about having to wait for the new jailbreak tools. Pay homage! Enough said!
Pastor Ray replied on Permalink
I am sure thre is a jailbreak they can't all be fake. The problem comes in with it being so far complexed the average person would mess up the phone. So it takes time to write a program
to do it all for you. In other words they have to dumb it down for the rest of us and they want
it to work on all iphones. Would you rather is be released and chance it bricking your phone
or give them what ever time they need to get it right for all of us.
Thanks Guys for all your effort as we all know if you were paid by the Hour you would be rich
men. But you do this in your spare time and put meny meny hours into it. Just wanted to let you
know there are some of us that thank you for all the effort and time away from your lives and family
that you devote to making it work for everyone. Thanks Pastor Ray
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Saurik shows off his jailbroken iPhone 4 running Cydia
bob replied on Permalink
my iphone 3gs new bootrom was jailbroken with spirit...
any idea when a miracle would happen for this device?
georgiecruz replied on Permalink
Why we (3gs user) have to wait for something that work only in iphone 4?, how many iphones 3gs are in the streets vs iphone 4? i would like that dev team launch this new spirit now for us and later when they fix the software for iphone 4 launch the patches .
Nathan replied on Permalink
I am the same - I have an iPod touch and therefore have no FaceTime to bug it up
I will wait though cause otherwise I will get so pissed
joao replied on Permalink