Submitted by Bob Bhatnagar on
Apple has started to prompt iOS users to enter security questions in an effort to increase security for Apple ID accounts. The dialog box that pops up on the home screen may look suspicious, but the process is legit. The box reads "Security Info Required" and explains that a password confirmation is necessary.

If you see the pop up, don't be alarmed, simply tap the Security Info button to make sure that Apple doesn't bother you again. This will forward you over to a Security Info screen, where you'll need to enter three separate security questions with answers.
Apple is also asking users to enter a backup email address, in case acces to the primary address is lost. Safeguarding the 225 million user accounts on iTunes and the App Store is an ongoing process, which Apple is not taking lightly. Some users are receiving the same prompts for additional security information directly in the iTunes software according to The Next Web.
After filling out the security questions, Apple will verify the changes with an email sent regarding your rescue email address. The message from Apple can be used to verify the change by iOS users:
Thank you.You’ve taken the added security step and provided a rescue email address. Now all you need to do is verify that it belongs to you.
Newest iPhone FAQs
The rescue address you have given us is
The rescue email address is dedicated your security and allows Apple to get in touch if any account questions come up, such as the need to reset or change your security questions. As promised, Apple will never send you any announcements or marketing messages to this address.
Apple may ask users to enter a security question answer when purchasing apps or in other situations where the verification of identity is important.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Seems more like a broad phishing expedition for personally identifiable info by Apple, likely for user profiling.
Bastards. :(
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I'm not impressed. They still haven't fixed the bug popup screen when you try to install new apps, and they come out with this "security info required" screen, disguised to look like malware.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
What upsets me is that I can't download an app until I answer their questions yet I am not ready/willing to answer their questions! If I choose to have an "unsecure" phone, that is my business. Apple doesn't need protect me. LET ME DOWNLOAD MY APPS. Jailbreak, here I come. Rob
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Look on the worse side, my iPhone asks me every time I want to download, I answer them and then Nothing Nada zip none. SOS
Anonymous replied on Permalink
on my iPod touch, it doesn't say this.. it says "Enter Apple ID and password, then tap Security Info and answer the questions." then it gives me the options to either cancel or continue.. i press continue and once again, it asks me for my password. i enter it and it keeps popping up.. no matter how many times i enter my password, it keeps asking for it! I am very frustrated! can anyone help me?!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
After I enter the security answers and touch Done, it just does NOTHING. How absolutely frustrating. It will not download the app to my Touch. I have to dl from iTunes on the computer and then Sync. Apparently a bunch of people are having this problem. What up Apple?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Same here. I keep inputting the details and hit done but nothing happens at all, the screen keeps coming up and won't accept the details input into it, I've tried everything. I haven't been able to get any apps for a week now!!!
Luis Quesada replied on Permalink
I was having the same issue with the iPhone: it was asking me to introduce the same info over and over again. I tried from the iPad and there was no issue. The applications got transferred to the iPhone automatically through iCloud.
It is frustrating indeed: were it not for the iPad, I would be stuck too...
Ross replied on Permalink
I have this problem on my iPhone 4, did you ever sought the problem ?
James g replied on Permalink
I don't care that they're making me choose questions to increase the "security" of my account.
What annoys me is the choice of questions. They read like some stupid teenage magazine quiz - "Who was your first teacher" "in which city were you first kissed?" "what was your least favourite job?"
Anonymous replied on Permalink
What a load of crap.
I didn't have a favourite teacher and I have never been to a concert so why must I make up answers to those questions (which are compulsory) with something I might never remember.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
that's exactly my issue. I don't want to make up answers for fear of not remembering them, but I have no other questions to choose from. I tried to go the favorite/least favorite car route, but I've only owned one car and put it for both, and it said I couldn't do that ):
Anonymous replied on Permalink
and just because of that, I forgot my answers. now I cannot download anything that is not free...a have credit, but keeps asking me for my first car, and I don't remember what did put...
How can I fix this? Help!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Mine says Improve Apple ID Security, not Security Info Required. Still legit?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
When I do something like redeem an iTunes card, i enter my password. It works, but a few seconds later it asks me for my password again. It just keeps on asking for my password forever.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
When I do something like redeem an iTunes card, i enter my password. It works, but a few seconds later it asks me for my password again. It just keeps on asking for my password forever.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Has anyboDy found a fix For this yet or a way to get through the security to be able to download apps yet?
Mauro replied on Permalink
Normally I never answer to this question as I consider them being totally detrimental for security.
But here, as incredible as it is, they are endeed mandatory...and then doesn't even work.
Wake up Apple....don't stay foolish!!!!!!!!!!
horoscopo leo replied on Permalink
It's in fact very difficult in this busy life to
listen news on TV, thus I simply use the web for that reason, and gett the
latest information.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
My iphone is asking me to enter the three questions and answers but then only gives me the option to cancel or continue, then asks for my password repeatedly and we dont get any further then that so I am not able to download ANYTHING!! this is really getting on my nerves now, I have only had the phone one day and cant even use it!!!
Gabriel Malizia replied on Permalink
When downloading an app in the App Store, if your iPad (iPhone) requires you to enter three security questions, but repeatedly asks you to enter your password, preventing you from downloading anything to your iPad and creating anger and frustrations, there is a workaround for this bug that worked for me.
Go to the iTunes installed your computer. Click in iTunes Store and click to buy an app that you must pay (something inexpensive). After entering your Apple ID and password, you'll be asked for the same three questions, but this time the form will work. You'll be able to select, answer and save the three questions using the iTunes so that you won't need to do this through your iPad when downladong an app in the App Store.
I would classify this bug as catastrophic. It prevents the user from downloading apps to his iPad and an iPad with only the factory apps is almost useless (that was my case here).
But the worst part was upgrading from iOS5 to iOS6 and realize that the same bug was still there. Am I the only user facing this problem? I don't think so. Apple should fix this bug immediately and realese a patch.
Apple, incase you're interested in fixing this bug, I'm using the iPad2 configured to english language and the App Store is set to the Brazilian iTunes. That should give you a good starting point.
Gabriel Malizia replied on Permalink
When downloading an app in the App Store, if your iPad (iPhone) requires you to enter three security questions, but repeatedly asks you to enter your password, preventing you from downloading anything to your iPad and creating anger and frustrations, there is a workaround for this bug that worked for me.
Go to the iTunes installed your computer. Click in iTunes Store and click to buy an app that you must pay (something inexpensive). After entering your Apple ID and password, you'll be asked for the same three questions, but this time the form will work. You'll be able to select, answer and save the three questions using the iTunes so that you won't need to do this through your iPad when downladong an app in the App Store.
I would classify this bug as catastrophic. It prevents the user from downloading apps to his iPad and an iPad with only the factory apps is almost useless (that was my case here).
But the worst part was upgrading from iOS5 to iOS6 and realize that the same bug was still there. Am I the only user facing this problem? I don't think so. Apple should fix this bug immediately and realese a patch.
Apple, incase you're interested in fixing this bug, I'm using the iPad2 configured to english language and the App Store is set to the Brazilian iTunes. That should give you a good starting point.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
same problem here , why cant they fix it??? been a while now.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
This has been annoying me since Christmas. I got a new iPod and I can't purchase anything I have to pay for to get! It works fine through iTunes but I can't purchase in apps. Every time I try to reset the questions, apple sends no email at all. It's quite frankly pissing me off. Anybody have a solution?