Create and Edit Videos on your iPhone with Adobe's VideoBite

Although there are quite a few decent video editing apps out there already, VideoBite stands out from the crowd simply because it has Adobe's name on it. Not that it doesn't deserve to, it turns out to be a quality app for simple video editing, and it is currently available for free from the App Store.

VideoBite app lets you make movies from your stills and videos

Once you've downloaded it, VideoBite will ask you to access your photos, then you can start making movies or slideshows with your own content. You begin by selecting photos (or videos) that you want in your video bite and selecting how long you want each to display for (2 to 10 seconds). You can trim your clips down to

Pebble Launches Appstore with Over 1,000 Apps and Watchfaces

Pebble announced today that its appstore with over 1,000 apps and "watchfaces" is now available for iOS devices. The Pebble appstore is broken down into six app categories (Daily, Tools & Utilities, Notifications, Remotes, Fitness, Games) to make it easier for users to find specific Pebble compatible apps. The appstore also recommends the best apps and watchfaces of the day, and saves downloaded apps so they can be easily installed to your wearable device at a later date.

Pebble appstore

Pebble users can access the new appstore through version 2.0 of the existing iOS app. The Pebble app is free to download and is compatible with all iOS devices running iOS 6 or later.

The Pebble blog notes that the Android version of the appstore is coming " very, very soon."

Unflatten Your iPhone's Home Screen with IconOmatic Jailbreak Tweak

When iOS 7 first came out, a lot of folks were upset with the new flat appearance of the icons. Now you can unflatten the appearance and add depth through a number of settings with the new jailbreak tweak IconOmatic. This tweak is free to download from Cydia's ModMyi repository.

Jailbreak Tweak IconOmatic

Once you have IconOmatic installed, head to Settings -> IconOmatic. Inside, you will

MLB to Install Thousands of iBeacons at Stadiums

Since it first debuted at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference last June, iBeacon technology has been spreading rapidly. iBeacon is described by Apple as "a new class of low-powered, low-cost transmitters that can notify nearby iOS 7 devices of their presence," which means that iPhone and iPad users will be able to receive information about products and deals while they are browsing in stores and, with Apple's big plans for a mobile payment system, eventually make payments via the iBeacons. So far, several major retailers have taken interest in the technology, including Macy's, Safeway, Giant Eagle, American Eagle and, of course, Apple's own retail stores. Now, both Major League Baseball and the National Football League are interested.

MLB to install iBeacons

The MLB plans to have 100 iBeacons installed by opening day (Monday, March 31st) across 20 stadiums, and many more by the end of the season. Some of the first stadiums to receive the iBeacons include Boston's Fenway Park, Dodger Stadium, AT&T Park in San Francisco, Milwaukee's Miller Park and the Padre's Petco Park in San Diego. The iBeacon technology will be able to be tapped via the MLB's

Add iPhone Contacts to the Spotlight Screen

Pull down on the iOS 7 home screen and Spotlight reveals an empty text field titled "Search iPhone". While this can be a helpful feature to find something in a hurry, developer DarkMalloc had another idea. Why not make the Spotlight screen even more useful by adding favorite contacts into the mix?

QuickContacts shortcut Spotlight

Jailbreakers can grab the tweak QuickContacts for $1.99 and do just that. Once installed, there are no options to configure. The tweak simply adds four contact shortcuts directly to the Spotlight search screen. Pull down on the home screen and the contacts are revealed, then swipe from left to right if you need to use the Search iPhone field.


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