Don't Give up on an iOS 6 Jailbreak Just Yet

Unlike previous iOS releases, iOS 6 has been a tough nut to crack. However, pod2g has taken a break from developing apps to work on a solution with fellow iOS hacker planetbeing. This is great news since pod2g announced in September that he was not working on an iOS 6 jailbreak.

On Friday, planetbeing tweeted that the pair had made more progress:

Pod2g responded by announcing they had discovered two new vulnerabilities, but said they're still far away from a public release:

While this is great news, it does not mean an iOS 6 jailbreak is right around the corner. There is still a lot of work to complete, and testing to be done, before a public release can be made.

iPhone 5 owners, and users who upgraded to iOS 6 have been waiting for an untethered jailbreak since Apple released the new operating system in September. iPhone Dev-Team members have since jailbroken iOS 6.0.2, but had kept it mostly under wraps until planetbeing announced via reddit, that he had an untethered jailbreak running on his iPhone 5.