Kingdom Rush Origins Achievements and Easter Eggs
Spoiler Warning This post contains solutions for all the achievements for Kingdom Rush Origins. Scrolling down may spoil some solutions you may not want to see.
Spoiler Free Hints: Here's a list of hints for some of the harder achievements. The full solutions are listed below.
- George Fall: Find George- George is hiding on Stage 4 (Redwood Stand).
- Scissorfinger: Find the matching bushes - The three bushes are located on Stage 5 (Royal Gardens).
- PeekaBOO: Find the three playing friends - The three friends can be found on Stage 8 (Grimmsburg).
- Candy Rush: Save Hans and Ethel - Hans and Ethel can also be found on Stage 8 (Grimmsburg).
- Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum!: Grow the beanstalk to the clouds - You can grow the beanstalk on on Stage 8 (Grimmsburg).
- Shroom Says: Complete a 9 tap challenge of the Shroom game - You can complete a the 9 tap challenge on Stage 10 (Neverwonder).
- I Like to Move It: Entertain the funny "lemure" - The lemure can be found on Stage 13 (The Ascent).
- Sorcerer's Apprentice: Find the three apprentice relics - The three relics are floating around on Stage 12 (Arcane Quarters).
- Brother vs. Brother: Have your renegades defeat 50 twilight elves - The renegades are located on the final stage of the game
UPDATE 2: We did it! All the Kingdom Rush Origins achievements have been solved! Thanks to everyone who helped us! Also don't forget to ask in the comments section if you need additional help.
Newest iPhone FAQs
UPDATE: Please check the comments for solutions. I will add user submitted solutions as soon as they're confirmed.
Instead of making individual FAQs for each Kingdom Rush Origins achievement, we're going to make one super list like we did with Star Wars Tiny Death Star. We will fill in achievements as we earn them and add Easter eggs and tips as we complete the game. Feel free to help us in the comments section below, and don't forget to link to any videos your create and to share your personal Kingdom Rush Origins stories. There are a lot of achievements in Origins so this master list is going to take some time.
Kingdom Rush Origins Achievements

Get the Party Started: Win stage 1 with 3 stars
Gnollbuster: Defeat 900 gnolls
Shenzi, Banzai & Ed: End Stage 3 without scaring more than 3 hyenas

The defender barracks, reinforcements and heroes scare the hyenas on Stage 3 (Waterfall's Trail), so do not use these towers on the top path that the hyenas run down. You can use archers and mages to shoot the hyenas and complete the level. I'm not sure if stone circles also scare the hyenas but I did not use them just in case.
Dwarf Falls: Save 13 barrelled dwarves - Tap the barrels floating down the river on the Stage 3 (Waterfalls Trail) to save your dwarven friends.
Brave Little Tailor: Don't let the hero die against Ettin on Stage 4
George Fall: Find George! (Thanks to Call me Lola) There is a low hanging vine screen right on Stage 4 (Redwood Stand). Tap it a few times and George will swing in and splat onto the tree.
Scissorfinger: Find the matching bushes

Tap the three bushes on Stage 5 (Royal Gardens) so they are all dinosaurs.
Ace of Spades: Complete Stage 5 without building any barracks
Dogfight Ace: Have your Gryphon Raiders defeat 25 Perythons - The Gryphon Raiders can be found on Stage 6 (Gryphon Point). I had to complete the level 3 times to earn this achievement.
Gathering the Magic: Defeat 80 enemies with the magic Blossoms

White Rabbit: Scare 11 idle white rabbits! - Tap any white rabbits on any level
Why So Serious?: Defeat Hi-Hi Enha, the Gnoll Chieftan
Robin of Elfwood: Earn 3 stars on each Elven Woods campaign stage
Stargazer: Earn 15 stars
PeekaBOO: Find the three playing friends

Keep an eye on the three houses on the right hand side of Stage 8 (Grimmsburg). A little pig, Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf will randomly appear. Tap all three to earn this achievement.
Candy Rush: Save Hans and Ethel

On Stage 8 (Grimmsburg), tap the candy house so the witch comes outside, then tap the witch. Repeat this until the witch dies and Hans and Ethel will escape.
Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum!: Grow the beanstalk to the clouds! (Thanks to Call me Lola)

Tap the beanstalk until it grows!
Jurassic Lake: Crystallize a single creep more than 10 secs. - Earn this on Stage 9 (The Crystal Lake)
Gargamel: Squish 10 gnomes!
Shroom Says: Complete a 9 tap challenge of the Shroom game on Stage 10 (Neverwonder)

Get the gnome standing on the colored mushrooms to play Simon Says by tapping him. Repeat his pattern 9 times in a row to earn this achievement.

Gloomicide: Defeat 100 Gloomies before they duplicate
Killer Tomatoes!: Defeat 500 enemies with the poison Vines
Garden Song: Activate 50 magical plants
Vorpal Blade: Defeat 5 Blandersnatches only be dealing them
I Meant the Red Wine: Have your solders avoid 50 blasting spell explosions
Pixiebell: Earn 3 stars on each Faery Groove campaign stage
Game of Thrones: Defeat Malicial

Stardust: Earn 30 stars
I Like to Move It: Entertain the funny "lemure"

Tap the lemure on the vine on Stage 13 (The Ascent) to unlock this achievement.
Call Me Mr. Pig: Make the Razor Boars trample and kill 20 enemies

Sorcerer's Apprentice: Find the three apprentice relics

The three apprentice relics can be found on Stage 12 (Arcane Quarters). Just tap the three items outlined in the image above to earn this achievement.
D&D: Have Beresad and Ashbite defeat 100 enemies - Beresad and Ashbite are the special dragon towers found on stage 12 (Arcane Quarters).
It's A Trap!: Prevent Mactans from webbing at least 8 towers
Brother vs. Brother: Have your renegades defeat 50 twilight elves

The Renegade Post is a special barracks located on the final stage, Shrine of Elynie. You will earn this achievement when this tower defeats 50 twilight elves. You will have to play the final stage a few times to earn this achievement.
Winter is Coming: Freeze 100 enemies with the Sorcerer's Stone
The Bigger They Are: Defeat 7 Golems before they walk past half the stage
City of Splendors: Earn 3 stars on each Ancient City campaign
We Are the Champions: Defeat the Spider Goddess
Rockstar: Earn 50 stars
Starcraft: Earn all stars from each campaign stage

The Art of War: Read all tip cards
Simcity: Build a level 4 tower on every holder stage
Green Arrow: Defeat 500 enemies with reinforcements' projectiles
War never changes: Have 1,500 of your own soldiers defeated in battle
Ding! Ding! Ding!: Raise all 3 basic heroes to level 10
The Bone Collector: Collect 100,000 gold from defeated enemies
Truth of Dare: Call 13 more early waves on any given stage
Only Count as One: Defeat 10 enemies with a single thunderbolt
1.21 Gigawatts!: Cast 1210 lighting bolts
I Need a Hero: Complete 3 stages without the hero dying

Not Today!: Complete 7 stages without the hero dying
I Volunteer as a Tribute: Deploy 500 or more reinforcements into battle
Footloose: Perfect Parry for a total of 1,000 damage
Tauriel Apprentice: Make 600 Blade Dance moves
1,2,3...Plant!: Grow 100 barbed vines
Kingsfoil Leaves: Give regeneration 25 times to the same solider
Rambo Style: Defeat 50 flying enemies with Arcane Burst arrows - "Arcane Burst arrows" are the first skill of the Arcane Archers
Lullaby!: Defeat 50 sleeping enemies

Phantom Zoned: Keep enemies out of time for a total of 1000 seconds
Red Five: Complete stage 5 with 5 active arcane sentinels
It's a Kind of Magic: Defeat 50 enemies with Eldritch Doom explosions
Counter Master: Defeat 250 enemies while silenced - You must use the second skill, Word of Disruption, of the Wild Magus tower to earn this achievement.

Valar Marghulis: Mark a total of 5 targets simultaneously - Use the second skill, Hunter's Mark, of the Golden Longbows to earn this achievement. Takes a lot of towers at once to pull this off.
Killtacular!: Crimson Sentence 10 enemies in a single wave
Beornings: Have 8 or more Runed Bears in any single stage
No Pain, No Gain: Deal over 100,000 damage with Sylvan Curses
Heavyweight Class: Stun 10 or more enemies with a single clobber
Wildfire Harvest: Throw 1,000 burning nuts
Valor's Rest Achievements
On December 21, 2014 Kingdom Rush Origins was updated to version 1.2. The update added a new endless level called Valor's Rest, a new hero called Phoenix and new achievements.
In Valor's Rest players must battle Hee-haw the wicked gnoll war leader in an endless challenge. Here are the achievements:

Valor's Rest High Score

Be sure to post your highest score achieved on Valor's Rest in the comments section. Don't forget to let us know what items and heroes you used. Here's my highest score using the basic heroes and no items.
Hulking Rage
On February 25, 2015 Kingdom Rush Origins was updated to version 1.4. The new campaign called "Hulking Rage" included 3 new levels (Galadrian's Wall, Blood Quarry, Beheader's Seat), two new heroes and new achievements.
"A new tyrant has risen to power and he’s using a massive army to destroy the Kingdom. We’ve sacrificed too much already to be defeated now!"
Thanks to Max for submitting these.
Mitchell-Hedges: Collect the three strange skulls

The three skulls are scattered throughout the three levels in Hulking Rage.
Malik Unchained: Help Malik escape

Malik is being held captive on the second level, Blood Quarry. Gnoll gnawer guards will eventually bring him out of the cave and a little lightning bolt will appear over his head. This is when you can use the Thunderbolt to free Malik and he will become a usable hero. Having Malik on your side will make the level much easier to win.
WILE E.: Help Wile E. capture the elusive bird

Tap the cluster of bushes to unleash the Roadrunner.
Off With Your Head: Defeat Bram the Beheader
Easter Eggs

Splat the deer by tapping them a few times (Any stage).
Waterfalls Trail

Tap the barrels floating down the river to earn gold and uncover Wilson -- the volleyball from the film Cast Away starring Tom Hanks.

Feed Obelix some meat by tapping him.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
How do you not scare the hyenas? Let them run through? You lose the level if you do that.
Marshall Walker replied on Permalink
You can't put any land towers or heroes on the top trail that the hyenas run on. So you have to use just archers and mages and keep your hero away from the hyenas.
Call me Lola replied on Permalink
George Fall: There is a low hanging vine screen right on the Redwood Stand stage. Tap it a few times and George will swing in and splat onto the tree.
Scissorfinger: The Royal Gardens stage tap each of the lawn sculptures until they are all the dinosaur.
Peekaboo and Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum!: Grimsburg stage, tap the vine peeking out the ground just to the top left until it grows to the sky and someone will climb it and drop you some coins. Tap on one of the 3 little pigs that peek out their door, then tap on little red riding hood as she peeks out the woods by the pigs houses, then tap on the big bad wolf as he peeks out the woods to the top of the straw pigs house. It takes a little watching and waiting. Also if you tap on the candy house. A witch will come out and then go back in. Tap to bring her out again and if you tap on her enough, she will combust and Hansel and Gretl will escape.
Marshall Walker replied on Permalink
Thanks! Will add these asap.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
The "stone carver" is Obelix from Asterix and Obelix, and you're feeding him wild boar not fruit!
smj replied on Permalink
does anyone know how to get phantom zoned?
I can't figure out what tower / ability I'm supposed to use...
Anonymous replied on Permalink
It's an ability of the ultimate lvl mage tower
Anonymous replied on Permalink
It's not a stone craver, it's Obelix from Asterix comics ;). And it's not fruit but meat!
Marshall Walker replied on Permalink
Thanks! I've never read the comics.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
How do you get the red five achievement. I put up 5 arcane sentinels but I never get it.
Marshall Walker replied on Permalink
What is an "arcane sentinels"?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Second skills of eletric tower.
Maxim replied on Permalink
Electric tower is the "blue" arrow one?
Marshall Walker replied on Permalink
I just realized I have earned the achievement but don't remember how. Did you try putting up 5 High Elven Mage towers with 2 arcane sentinels each?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
This is one of the hardest achievements
u have to build more than 5 red archers and upgrade the marking skill to the max
u can easily do that in the final stage (too much gold and too many units with high hp )
If u do tht u just have to wait till u get lucky
Anonymous replied on Permalink
The comment was about the arcane sentinels and the trick with the sentinels is you have to end the level with them deployed. I did it by selling all other towers right at the end of the stage.
As for the Valar Marghulis, the one to mark 5 creatures simultaneously... I'm struggling. I've filled the entire Valor's rest with Archers and upgraded Mark, but the damn towers keep marking the same damn mob in front. It is infuriating.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
At the Grimmsburg stage, keep an eye out on the houses to the right. At some point, each little pig, red riding hood and the big bad wolf will come out. If you tap on them you'll get the Peekaboo achievement.
Maxim replied on Permalink
Please, help with explanation to:
1. Rambo style
2. Valar Marghulis
3.Havyweight class
4.Brother vs brother
5. Call me mr.pig
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Anyone figure out the 'not the red wire' 50 blast explosion achievement? I'm not sure what that's referencing.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I have. As I understand - these are blast from twilight avengers
Maxim replied on Permalink
Those are blasts from Twilight Avenger. have this achievement on level with lake
Marshall Walker replied on Permalink
Is "Brother vs. Brother" hard to achieve or am I doing wrong? And is Wildfire Harvest possible? 1,000 burning nuts seems like a lot.
Maxim replied on Permalink
What I should do for "Brothers vs. Brothers"?
Marshall Walker replied on Permalink
The Renegade Post is only available in the last stage (Shrine of Elynie). You have to defeat 50 Twilight Elves with that special barracks to earn the Brothers vs. Brothers achievement. I'll update the main list as soon as I earn the achievement, but I keep replaying the final level and not getting it.
Maxim replied on Permalink
Great, thx!
Maxim replied on Permalink
Yes, done!
Maxim replied on Permalink
I didn't understand that it is necessary to do in случаес with boars: to kill them during run (that is impossible) an ilikogda they will stop?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
The only unknown is 'Rambo style"
Steve Holt replied on Permalink
I can't figure out how to get the counter master achievement.
I thought it had something to do with the red cape enemy, but no luck with it.
Help please!
Marshall Walker replied on Permalink
The counter master achievement and new Valor's Rest achievements are what are holding me back from completing the list. Please let me know if you figure out counter master