Submitted by Bob Bhatnagar on
One of the great new iOS 7 features on the iPhone 5s is burst mode. iPhone photographers can snap up to 10 frames per second if they're sporting the latest Apple hardware. Now there's a jailbreak tweak that brings some of this burst mode functionality to devices running iOS 6.1.2 or earlier.

BurstMode is a free tweak that adds some useful functions to the stock Camera app. Once installed, several settings provide options for how BurstMode behaves when taking a photo. Of course, the BurstMode tweak can be completely disabled thanks to a toggle. When enabled, holding down the shutter release button or volume button will snap continuous pictures.
There's a handy Photos Limit Count setting that represents the maximum number of images to continuously record. Setting this to zero results in unlimited photos, while any other number limits the number of total photos to record with a single press and hold. Hold Time Delay can be customized to determine how long the shutter release must be held before burst mode starts. The shortest delay that can be set is one second.
Burst Mode Interval is the time between individual images, which can be up to six seconds. For the fastest burst mode, this interval can be set to zero. This could cause problems with camera hardware and software limitations, so there's a Safe toggle which will slow things down. This allows a photo to be taken only if the previous image was successfully recorded.
Other useful settings include Disable Iris Animation, Disable Preview Animation, Live Preview Well, Flash Burst, and HDR Burst. These can increase efficiency and provide flash and HDR burst mode images, depending on your iOS device hardware.The best part about BurstMode is that it's available on Cydia from the BigBoss repo for free. Check here for instructions on how to jailbreak iOS 6.x with evasi0n. You can also find out how to purchase and install Cydia tweaks with this guide.