Access an iPhone app launcher from anywhere

DockBar tweak

The jailbreak tweak DockBar makes launching specific apps a breeze from anywhere in iOS 8. The customizable app launcher bar can be invoked using an Activator gesture, which provides speed and efficiency for often-used apps. The DockBar interface will appear right in front of home screen icons or running app windows.

DockBar in action

Settings include many configurations, which place the app launcher bar and customize its colors. App icon labels can be hidden, rounded corners switched on, and paging for additional app icons utilized. DockBar smoothly meshes with stock iOS 8, and is especially useful when assigned to a convenient Activator gesture. Apps to display in the app launcher can be selected under Application Filter in Settings.

DockBar for iPhone is available from the BigBoss repository on Cydia for $0.99. To start customizing iOS, click here for instructions on how to jailbreak iOS 8.4 with TaiG, or learn how to jailbreak iOS 8.4 on Mac.

Find out how to purchase and install Cydia tweaks with this guide.

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